Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What Happens At The Initiation School

"Biosativa" a natural Ölzersetzer

The world is spinning ever faster, and is always de-ranged
This example on the Gulf of Mexico makes clear how abnormal may be some unscrupulous traders.

"Harmless as dishwashing liquid" was used against the masses of the oil spill Corexit, Sun BP.
The U.S. Senate has a different view: the chemical may no longer be used. There are also less toxic and more effective means.
"If there are better means, we will use them, of course," said BP America chief Lamar McKay was clear. However, he was not at all about in the picture, whether effective options exist, he told a committee of the U.S. Senate. Since even the senators
were better in the picture than the BP-expert: the expert called you like ten oil control agents, the much less toxic and are also significantly more effective than the mass used Corexit. The
Corexit-preference the British oil giant is not a coincidence: BP is on the board of Corexit producer Nalco. Right at the start of the oil spill on the Corexit bought BP's total inventory. Nalcos share price shot now by ten percent higher.

(over 2 million liters Ceroxit over 40 million sales) brought the items Operation Gulf Grease " reported on the beneficiaries of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. He discusses the very close links between Goldman Sachs and BP and the white house . He cites, for example, with verifiable facts, that Goldman Sachs and also the boss of BP, Tony Hayward, before the disaster enormous amount of shares - sold by BP (Respekt! good nose for good or good third eye - the exact numbers are called? astrologer?)

Here I present a possible solution for the oil spill. The Middle
Biosativa would reduce according to the manufacturer, the ecological damage considerably. Be based on Hanfö l detergent was similar to the effect of the chemical agent, but without impact on the environment: "Biosativa 'destroys the molecular chain of crude oil. The resulting liquid is combined with the sea water where they can be eaten by microbes, "says Kuhl. "Biosativa", which is also used as household cleaners, had been used in 1989 at an oil outlet on the Rhine. "At that time it has proved very successful," says Kuhl. Chemical cleaner because it makes unnecessary, but the means was by the chemical lobby has been blocked.

All readers should feel called upon to distribute these items to the maximum extent. Asks questions of politicians, scientists will ask and let you explain why this drug is not tested for use.

at Biosativa order directly

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lyrical Festival Costumes

The Miracle Tree "Moringa"

The tropical tree attracts many researchers in their tracks - mainly because of the many wonderful features. In one year the tree grows to three meters. In India, the Moringa tree and hybrids over 70 years grown on plantations and even universities (Eg Bangalore) investigated scientifically. as "Miracle Tree" Moringa is not known for no reason. More than 700 scientific studies show the tree and its leaves and fruits as a versatile healthy . Particularly surprising is the antioxidant activity of the leaves - it is probably as high as with any other currently known plant or fruit. The plant is known by different names, we speak as well of Moringa Oleifera, the Meerettichbaum, or in other languages, the Horse Radish Tree, Drumstick Tree, Sahijan or Miracle Tree that is the "miracle tree"

The following comparison is based on the basis of the nutritional information system of the University of Hohenheim. We compared the analytical data of leaf powder with the data analysis of 1058 food.

1.3 x more essential amino acids than eggs
1.9 times more fiber than whole grain wheat
4.5 times more vitamin E than wheat seedlings
about as much vitamin C as a fruit salad
2.4 x more beta carotene than carrots
6.9 x more vitamin B1 and B2 as yeast
4.7 x more folic acid than bovine liver
3.4 x more potassium than a banana
2.2 x more magnesium than brown-millet
1.3 x more zinc as a pork cutlet
8.8 times more iron than beef (sirloin)
17 x more calcium than cow's milk (Preferred milk)
2-3 times more eye-protective lutein than green cabbage
six times more heart-protective polyphenols than red wine
37 x greater antioxidant activity than grapes
six times more alpha-linolenic acid (Ω 3) and linoleic acid (Ω 6)

food One hundred grams of plant contain the calcium intake of twelve glass of milk, the vitamin C amount of 21 oranges and as much potassium as nine bananas. Moringa is a perfect, finished food product that contains all the nutrients from the mother of the human body, as of growing fetus to old age needs. Sow the Moringa in your living room and the leaves harvested after one year. Always ready for creative use in the kitchen for salad, sauces, tea, and

also medical can use this plant in addition as a drug for diabetes, high blood pressure and anemia (anemia)
can be produced from the seeds of the tree gain that could be used as a lubricant and also processed into fuel.
Another bonus, the plant is ideal for social, natural and useful agricultural projects in poor countries around the world.

The Moringa tree has what it takes, one of the main plant of the Earth to be.

natural remedy shipping Moringa Lake or
the miracle tree Moringa Oleifera
book to Moringa

Monday, June 21, 2010

Green On My Skin When Shaving

report 2.WAL-Meeting Congress June 19, 2010

This year WAL meeting was with the movie-trailer ", a new We "opened, after which featured Yamagishi community and before Castle Glarisegg long as existing and functioning community. seeking interested for a new project. Koles Foundation presents its courageous and very complex project for 500 people, already far advanced is.
The talk about the " Food Coop " system of Markus Rüegg Sties with keen interest, it resulted in a lively discussion with questions and answers.
the "Dragon Dreaming " project is a good basis for project design, Gérard Pitteloud Gaia from Switzerland told us this Australian native principle. V. Burger, a voice from the industry is encouraging and sets a good example.
Stefan Pöllath Prince of power systems introduced us to the infrared heater and their benefits.
It was a great pleasure Fritz Watzl (80) the last to surviving apprentice of Viktor Schauberger at WAL-Meeting have around, with his little exhibition and presentations Fritz impressed the audience throughout the day.
brings with the explanation of cosmic laws and the effect of fear & emotion of our lives Navigator, masseur and architect Xavier Maur on the principles of natural course and makes us closer attention to possible solutions.
Jesus Wälti the author of the book "Island Earth" concludes the event.

This year was also a small display of nature's playground and nature houses models, naturopath G. Henne ( Uradix nature contacts) with its herb salt mixtures.
Fritz Watzel and St.Pöllath with its infrared heating systems . Orgonite mini shields Radiation harmonization, books on view, and information booths.
(WAL-Meeting in order 15.-Fr. pcs)

We did it again this year to implement, despite some technical problems to a worthy cause without an entrance fee. I would like to express a big thanks to all visitors and participants, whether you have your part in this wonderful, albeit rainy day contributed to the meeting and helped with your donation to cover our expenses almost. One could make many things better or perfect, but with the added costs, it is our intention to be accessible to all. I thank also all hope for the great feedback and take it many of the useful ideas and opportunities could you.

WAL-meeting, the lectures for the most part publishing, the book "Island Earth" by Jesus Wälti will be available as a PDF.
uses the opportunity to comment on the exchange to get more info and move.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I Have To Help My Year Old Daughter Bath

newly discovered energy

Free energy is increasingly an issue that concerns us, this term is also often misunderstood. Also, wind, solar, water, heat and cold are Sources of energy that cost us nothing and no environmental burden if they are used correctly.
We should learn to better understand existing. Understand nature and copying.

I would like to introduce some news which in principle are not new, but were rediscovered and further developed.

Promising comeback of Stirling
On 16 November 1816 was the Scottish minister Robert Stirling for its heat and power machine patent No. 4081st As that of James Watt in 1769 significantly improved steam engine of Newcomen is the Stirling engine to a power converter with external combustion . Differentiation is important, because in contrast to the Otto and Diesel engine, which burns the fuel inside the engine, the Stirling characterized by a so-called acceptance of multi-fuel - any fuel is suitable in principle. Many tests on this engine in the last 182 years were motivated no doubt by this property: The Stirling scattering generously can also renewable energies such as biogas, wood or solar heat, but also coal. With this engine you could use the heat / cold of any kind (water heater, refrigerator, etc.) has

Stirling combined with heating systems
at the Welser Messe KWB the prototype a Stirling engine on display. The idea is that might be in future and existing KWB pellet boiler fitted with a Stirling engine. combined

Stirling solar mirror as High-Tech or in homemade are already in use. This system is in my opinion clear as to bezeichnen.Es free energy is consumed and nothing is burned.
solar photovoltaic energy levels without a significantly higher efficiency .
A Stirling engine uses heat and / or cold as an energy source, or rather from the difference.

heating with hydrogen
To heat our homes in winter, most of us need heating oil, gas or wood buy expensive. That would not necessarily prove who lives in Austria Swiss Peter Salocher . He built a burner, with which it is possible to heat his entire house over the conventional radiators. With only 1,400 watts of power it is able to produce him 11 liters of hydrogen gas per minute. Thus, he can heat his house to a third of the cost of wood.

green coal
green coal is also a way to produce energy from waste, one should take into account however, that this possibility can be well used, but no demand may submit of waste materials . (And remain adaptable to the needs)
green coal produced by pyrolysis of organic basic materials such as wood, straw, marc, green waste, but also dry manure, sewage sludge and kitchen waste.
In the absence of oxygen was heated, the dried biomass at temperatures of 400 to 800 degrees, with the long-chain carbon compounds are the organic cells broken. This creates heat, pyrolysis and up to 40% organic carbon, the consistency of the normal charcoal equivalent.
It is in the pyrolysis basically a 5000 year old method of , except that in the
Köhleröfen our ancestors only wood was used as starting material and the pyrolysis gases escaped into the atmosphere unused.

New developments penetrate more and more quickly to the public, thanks to the Internet. It is unfortunate that the mainstream media are silent about so many things. The media have to say only partly right with what they, but they have wrong with what they conceal.

unusual experiments to do it yourself brings fun and knowledge

The 95% water 5% petrol engine Paul Pantone ( plasma reactor ) for years at fairs present Swiss Association for Free Energy has released a number of papers from the free energy congress Einsiedeln 2009th generate cleaner electricity

truly is not a problem, the problem is usually the various interests that are behind it!