Who is the Antichrist - 19 biblical characteristics of the Antichrist
There are numerous interpretations and speculations about who might be the Antichrist or could have been, some of you might take it seriously, others less.
is often left out of such speculation is an important factor, especially in those interpretations in which he is identified with a character from the past:
The end of the reign of the Antichrist and his life are caused by the miraculous return of Jesus Christ at the beginning of His eternal kingdom on earth, as from numerous passages of Scripture clearly shows.
In this episode of our series of studies on biblical prophecies about the Antichrist and his empire, we want to summarize its main features, and take more details about his dealings under scrutiny.
(feature 1 of the Antichrist: a gloomy face)
In the English King James Version of the Bible, we use mainly because of their high reliability as a source for the passages from the Old Testament it is said, for example, that the Antichrist will have a stern or angry face:
"And the last time. .. if the sinner will have reached their full measure, a stand up king dark face, a man of understanding dark verses "(Daniel 8:23).
In Daniel 11:21 he is portrayed as "bad" or "malicious" person.
(feature # 2: He'll pretend to work for peace use)
"By peace he destroyed many "(Daniel 8:25).
"He will give the peaceable entry and obtain the kingdom by flattering words" (Daniel 11:21).
"He is peaceable come even in the richest parts of the Provonz "(Daniel 11:24).
However, Daniel is also clear that this is no way to sincere motives:
(characteristic No.3: The Antichrist will be characterized by fraud;)
"He is acting fraudulently" (Dan.11: 23).
"At one table, they will lie to one another" (Dan.11: 27).
"Those who perform bad against the (holy) in the Federation Shield, it will be spoiled by flattery" (Dan.11: 32).
We can also assume that this "Helige Bund, which is likely to be a peace agreement between the prevailing world religions, especially Islam and Judaism, however, one thing will be the first world events that could lead to the Antichrist worldwide attention.
(Feature No. 4: the holy covenant)
"He will reaffirm the alliance with many for one week (7 years)" (Dan.9: 27)
"Even the prince of the federal case will come before him" (Dan.11: 24)
"His intentions will be against the holy covenant" (Dan.11 : 28)
"It will offend against the holy covenant" (Dan.11: 30)
Another feature of the Antichrist and his socialist ideology or policy that his features:
(characteristic No. 5: Socialist trains)
"He will get by a little people power" (Dan.11: 23)
"He will cast them in the robbery, the loot and riches" (11:24) .
"He will distribute the land to use" (11:39).
speculate Many Bible scholars that the "little people" through which the Antichrist will gain power, could be the Jewish people, as is also assumed that most of of the Jewish people will recognize the Antichrist as their Messiah, as Jesus prophesied in John's Gospel:
"I'm in my name Father's come, and ye receive me not;
if another comes in his own name that will take her "(Joh.5: 43).
from the prophecy in Daniel chapter 7, we have already discussed, and from points in the disclosure shows that get the anti-Christ, the support of ten kings or nations is:
(characteristic No. 6: 10 political leaders and their nations will be hearing him)
"And the ten horns ... 10 are the kings will arise: and another shall arise after them, unlike the first, and he will throw three of them "(Dan.7: 24)
" And the ten horns you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom, but receive with the beast (the Antichrist) short-term power like kings. This is an attitude and give their power and authority to the beast. "(Revelation 17:12, 13).
Similar to the person of the Antichrist himself circulated also to those 10 kings or rulers who will be allied with him, different theories about who or represent what they could of which the most popular and most widely used and recognized the wahscheinlich is that this is the top 10 and militarily and economically pivotal nations in the European Union and its leaders.
(Feature # 7: An attack is perpetrated upon him)
In the 13th Chapter of Revelation, the Antichrist is depicted as the personification of all previous world powers from the Egyptian to the Roman Empire. Each empire is represented by the head of a seven-headed monster with 10 horns, and we assume that the seventh head, symbolic of the kingdom of the Antichrist, and that is with the 10 horns, as we later learn that it is the 10 horns to just those 10 kings or rulers who will unite with the Antichrist.
And the next statement can refer only to the seventh main:
"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death. And his deadly wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled after the beast "(Rev.13: 3).
Although it this place different interpretations are experienced as elsewhere, which we shall discuss later, that this directly to the Antichrist is, the mortally wounded, and yet was cured of his wound.
(Feature # 8: The Antichrist will act in the power of Satan)
who has difficulty in imagining how a single man, the personification of 7 can be rich world must remember that this is not a normal man, but about the incarnation of the the Bible 2000 years ago called the "god of this world" (2.Kor.4: 4).
Even as Satan Jesus tried in the wilderness and the power he promised all the kingdoms of the world, he said that he was authorized to do so because they were given to it in his hand (Luke 4 : 5.6).
so it is not too surprising that the most powerful commanders of all time will be a man at least the last 3 ½ years of his life will be possessed by the devil. The Bible says,
" And his power will be strong, but not by his own power" (Dan.8: 24).
"And the dragon (Satan, see 12:9) gave him his power, his seat, and great authority" (Rev.13: 2).
(Feature # 9: The Antichrist emerges as warmongers)
Although the Antichrist will come as a peacemaker on the stage of world politics, will make apparent, however that his true potential in the arts, will be to wage war, as the Bible in several Make proclaims
"He is his power ... raise a large army against the King of the South "(Dan.11: 25)
" (Israel?) weapons are his side "(Dan.11: 31).
"He will honor the god of forces" (Dan.11: 38).
"He will enter into the countries, ... in the Promised Land ... many countries will be subjected "(Dan.11: 41).
"He will destroy out with furious anger and a lot to destroy utterly" (Dan.11: 44).
Thus, it is then no great surprise that he, ultimately, the seven-year holy covenant of peace with and between the major religions after only 3 ½ years break:
(feature # 10: He broke the sacred Alliance)
"In the middle of the week (7 years), he will command the ritual sacrifices of compliance" (Dan.9: 27).
From this it also shows that need to be made by the holy alliance of the Jewish ritual sacrifices, and thus the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, for them to ban again, so they must have been first introduced again.
There are also further confirmation that the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt, but will be diverted in a cruel manner by the Antichrist after the breach of the covenant:
(Feature No. 11: The AC directed his headquarters in Jerusalem)
"He is the tents of his palace between the seas (the Red Sea and the Mediterranean), the revered holy mountain (Moriah or Zion, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem) to open "(Dan.11: 45).
(feature # 12: His propaganda minister)
In Revelation 13, one of the most interesting chapter in the Bible about the Anti-Christ appears a second personality, which is here called the "false prophet", but their function more of a propaganda minister or spokesman comes close, with the difference any public relations agent will possess supernatural abilities ..
"And I saw another beast rising out of the earth: and it had two horns like a lamb and spoke like
a dragon. And all the power of the first animal carries it out before him, and it causes the earth and those who live on it,
that they worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And it does great signs that even fire from heaven against men on the earth can come down, and it deceives the living on earth to do because of the miracles the
before the animal was given to him, and it says to those who dwell on the earth, the animal that has the wound of the sword
and [re] alive, to make an image. "(Rev.13 :11-14)
Although this clearly is a person, John writes under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit this man, evenso as the person of the Antichrist, as an animal or monster, what might indicate that the inner and spiritual beings behind the person is not purely human nature.
The description of the "two horns like a lamb" may perhaps shed light on that this outward toward a person is to an innocent, harmless impression, yet speaks like a dragon, so diabolical pronounce words.
The fact that this propaganda minister, the world's population prompted the anti-Christ to worship further confirmed abolished that on that date other religions and ideologies, and used the ideology of the New World Order as the only force, with its leader as the only recognized deity.
Here we also see the confirmation that the Antichrist was cured of a fatal wound.
order to give emphasis to his words and to prove that he has supernatural authority and power, the propaganda minister, emphasizes his decrees with miracles like fire from heaven, and led, finally, that the great leaders of the world an image to be built.
(Characteristic No 13: The talking image)
Daniel also wrote more than 500 years before it:
"They will desecrate the holy place to be and take away the daily sacrifice and set up the abomination of desolation" (Dan.11: 31) .
"abomination of desolation" is the name of the image of the Antichrist Daniel gave him, and is so quoted by Jesus in Martthäus 24th An abomination is something as disgusting and repulsive, sincere, and the fact that it is called the abomination of desolation suggests that the speaking and God repulsive image of the Antichrist is to be worshiped by the citizens of the New World Order, by his words and commands which it grants much destruction cause is "
(Feature No. 14: a profane mouth).
"And I looked at the horn were eyes like human eyes and a mouth speaking great things" (Dan.7: 8)
"He is great words against the Most High talk "(Dan.7: 25)
" And it was given a mouth that spoke great things and blasphemies ...
spoke And out blasphemies against God and His name and to the sky and its inhabitants "(Rev.13: 5, 6)..
(Characteristic No 15: The cashless economic system)
Another function of the propaganda minister or mouthpiece of the Antichrist will be that he will introduce a new and final economic system that replaced the cash with a mark in your hand or forehead, without which no one can buy or sell something or:
" And it brings everyone to the small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, and that they take a mark that you give them their right hand or on their foreheads; and that no one may buy or sell, than he who has the mark "(Rev.13: 16, 17).
(feature # 16: He declares himself as God)
"He will raise himself above every god ...
And he is not the God of his fathers nor recognize any god, but he will raise himself above all "(Dan.11: 36, 37).
The apostle Paul had prophetic knowledge of the Antichrist:
" you let no one in any seducing a way, for the day (the Lord) will not, unless that first come a falling away, revealing been had the man of sin, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or object of worship, so that he was in the temple of God and themselves, that he is God "(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
is also confirmed here that Jerusalem and the rebuilt Jewish temple will be the headquarters of the Antichrist.
(Characteristic No 17: War against the Saints - worldwide persecution of heretics)
"I saw how the war on the Horn Saints led and defeated "(Dan.7: 21).
"He will destroy the people of the Holy ...
And against the Prince of princes (Jesus Christ), he shall also stand up " (Dan.8: 24).
"And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with those who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus" (Offb.12 : 17)
"And it was given to him to lead the holy war and to overcome them" (Rev.13: 7).
this time of worldwide persecution of all those who refuse to worship the Anti-Christ and accept his mark, and instead cling to their belief in the true God in the Bible "the great tribulation" mentioned. We also find many places where we are told exactly how long will this period of terror: 3 ½ years, or exactly 1260 days.
(feature # 18: The Great Tribulation)
"He will seek to change times and laws, and they will be given into his hand for a time, times and half a time (1 year + 2 years + ½ year) "(Dan.7: 25).
"There will be a time of tribulation such as never was since there is a nation even to that time" (Dan.12: 1.)
Jesus also predicts the Great Tribulation:
" And the woman (the Church / Bride of Christ fled) in the desert, where God has prepared for her a place on there that they can nourish a thousand two hundred sixty days. ...
And it was the woman the two wings, where the great eagle, that they fly into the wilderness to her place, she woselbst nourished for a time and times and half time, from the presence of the snake. (Offb.12: 6, 14).
"And it was him (the AC), where power to act forty-two months" (Rev.13: 5)
(feature # 19: A sudden end, through Jesus Christ)
While all the previous features of the Antichrist, who certainly has prototypes and predecessors in history, with generous interpretation and interpretation in different periods of overcast nature, this next feature leaves no doubt that the final fulfillment of all of these prophecies lies ahead of us, as govern the ultimate and final Antichrist, the world as we know it in a reign of terror of 3 ½ years immediately before the return of Christ is found by the appearance of death is, in a battle of which would certainly remind the world, if it had already taken place: the infamous battle of Armageddon.
"He will be destroyed without human hands" (Dan.8: 25).
"He will come to an end, and none shall help him" (Dan.11: 45).
" on the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and all who are with you, ...
the open field you shall fall. For I have spoken, declares the Lord "(Ezekiel 39:4, 5).
" And then the lawless one is revealed to be the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of His Mouth and destroy the appearance of his arrival, him, whose coming is in the power of Satan in all power and signs and lying wonders "(2 Thessalonians 2:8, 9).
"And it has taken the beast and the false prophet, who was with him, before he signs the did, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image - and there were two thrown into the lake of fire burning with brimstone " (Offb.19: 20).
We know that the Antichrist has not yet ruled, because his bring the end of the beginning of a new world, as God has revealed to His prophet Daniel by the dream Nebucchadnezzars we explained in our first study on the prophecies of the End Times: At the end of the empires of man is the God of heaven set up a kingdom that will never go under, under a ruler of the rule is truly meet and which we know that He loves us.
Where? Because He died for us. All you have to do is like to experience that kingdom of God, to accept the sacrifice that Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, for us on the cross, brought as it was destined from the beginning.
"For God so the world loved that He gave His only Son, that whoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life "(John 3: 16).
If you want to accept this gift, you need to do nothing more than to say Jesus, "I will."