At the time Daniel wrote the ninth chapter of his book, had already his prediction from the second and seventh chapter meets that conquer the Medo-Persians, Babylon would, because Daniel was now living already, together with all residents of the former Babylonian empire at the time of the Median King Darius. We find in this chapter, the astonishing prediction of Year of the crucifixion of the Messiah, which was discussed in the first episode of this series in more detail.
in the same connection we get a Which transparent detail of information about the Antichrist, because it was though in the previous verse speaks of the Roman predecessor of the Antichrist, the Emperor Titus Flavius Vespasian, we know from a statement by Jesus himself, that the following Scripture only in the Antichrist, the last world Mr. Shea will meet shortly before the return of Christ.
There is talk here of a seven-year covenant or agreement that is in another place as "the holy covenant ', and suggesting that this is a religious agreement will act as something of a peace agreement between the major world religions - a federal government the world has never needed more so today. This peace treaty between - we suppose - Christianity, Judaism and Islam, will allow the Jews to build their temple, destroyed in 70 AD, and again the ancient sacrificial rituals re-established. In the middle of the seven years, however, is the world's rulers break the covenant and take away the daily sacrifice again and build instead of the temple a telling image of himself that is Daniel here the "abomination of desolation" mentioned:
"But he will reaffirm the covenant with many (confirm) a week ("Shabua" = "seven," so 7 years). And in the middle of the week (7 years) he shall cause the slaughtering and meat offering. And in the sanctuary (the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem) will be an abomination, it desolate, until the agreed destruction will gush about it "(Daniel 9:27).
leaves the interpretation of this verse only in connection based setting with other Scriptures .
In the eleventh chapter of the Book of Daniel, the "holy covenant" mentioned four times (Dan.11: 28, 30, 32), in conjunction with a "despicable people" will rise as rulers and by flattery of the Kingdom will take possession " (Dan.11: 21). We know that this is the Antichrist because it has the same features as the little horn of Daniel 7 and 8: "And do the King is what he wants, and will be arrogant boast, and against everything that is God . And against the God of gods he will speak monstrous, and what he does he will be able to complete the anger is because we do need what is decided "(Dan. 11:36).
As in Daniel 9:27 we find also indications that limit the power of the Antichrist in a certain time, followed by the wrath of God and the destruction of anti-Christian empire.
is again in chapter 11 verse 31 speaks of the mysterious horrors of destruction: "His armies are ... the sanctuary (the temple) and desecrate away the daily sacrifice and set up the abomination of desolation."
In verse 45, the geographical position of this destruction is confirmed-making idol, "And he will set up the tents of his palace between the seas, sacred to the mountain, but it will come to his end, and no one will help him."
The Holy Mountain, and Zion or Moriah called, is located between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, and both Jesus and Paul, and John put it beyond doubt that this will be water place to build on the Antichrist his headquarters is.
betrays Jesus His disciples in Matthew 24, after they ask him for signs that announce His return would be: "If ye shall see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place, the prophet Daniel spoke vovon (who reads the notice on) ... then great tribulation will prevail, such as has not been nom beginning of the world ... " (Mat.24: 15, 21)
In Revelation 13, one of the most significant chapter on the reign of the Antichrist, we find this ominous marvel of modern technology again: In this chapter, John describes the Antichrist as a seven-headed beast with 10 horns, a large mouth, which speaks blasphemous things, and 42 months, the Faithful to suppress and exercise over all the nations of the world player. another beast with horns like a lamb, "the talking but" like a dragon "is apparently acting as Minister of Propaganda of the Antichrist, and" reveals that the earth and dwell in it to the first beast (the Antichrist) worship "(v. 12 ).
"And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs, to do ... is given him power, and says to them that dwell on earth, that they should make an image of the beast ... And it was given him power to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image could make talk of the animal and that all who would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. " (Revelation 13:14, 15).
There are several interpretations of these scriptures, and speculation about who should be this beast, the Antichrist. Some religious groups claim that it was a here to the reigning Pope, and others again it would be, to other characters from history, we followed the Christian Roman emperor, or even events that go even further back in history. However, it would
sure all noticed a man who ruled over all peoples and nations, (also on another deadly attack was perpetrated by which he lived) would have a speaking image of himself erected, all the to worship the peoples of the earth, and which at the same power would have to kill all who refused to leave.
is to let pictures speak a capability that humanity only in the last 100 years has acquired, and even if there may have been in the last hundred years, figures, in which some of those anti-Christian features filled, there were still so far no one in which all these properties would have met. Above all, no one would have exercised the dominion over the entire earth.
And another historical event will honor the Antichrist and his Propagandamisnister as a team, that the World history has not seen so far Nocht, since it is the cash system on which our current economy is based, is replaced with a cashless credit system, which even today's credit card is superfluous:
"And it makes that all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to make a mark can be in their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell unless he has the mark ... " (Rev.13: 16, 17).
As long as we can pay even more so in our super markets with cash, and in temples, churches, synagogues and mosques still be free to pursue our beliefs, we know that the Antichrist not yet ruled. But what if there would be a global economic crisis, similar to the 30's, with some financial analysts have compared the stock market crash of 2008? What if religious tensions by the conflicts in the Middle East the world to the brink of the 3rd World War II drive or drives another global crisis, the world to the brink of despair?
Which scenario will make the world ready for the solutions of the anti-Christ has to offer: a "holy covenant" and the peace treaty between world religions and a cash-free and thus crisis-resistant world economic system, as well as all countries of the world uniting universal ideology?
And how can you be this time prepare, from which one can be equally certain that they occur, how will the prophecies have been fulfilled over the previous empires in history ...? will bring
how even seemingly perfect world government system, the man reached, will also have its pitfalls, and not turn out as that is what the citizens of the new world order will be hoping that, we want to handle in future episodes of this series.
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