It is once again time to do some basic food and tangible to reports.
There have been many building ideas accumulated in various designs with me.
Many ideas are from other continents, it is therefore almost nothing in German publicly. I hope this compilation but the creativity and resourcefulness in house construction can inspire something.
The round earth house
free form as a representation of nature. Earth-covered, cool in summer, warm in cold seasons. Storm and earthquake safety, residents are protected as the egg in the shell. Earth houses fit perfectly into the existing natural landscape. They are very inexpensive to build. These are just some advantages of earth houses, which are probably living for the people is also a big plus.
Eco-Dom earthhouse
plastic bags and earth as building material for a Home
recycled building constructions
with PET & glass bottles, tires, tin cans to build a home, is for everyone / woman affordable and feasible. No more rent!
car tires have no toxic fumes (rubber) and can be used without comforting than construction for earth houses on the slopes or walls.
ZDF report and documentary film (in German) on Mike Reynolds extraordinary architecture
A unique energy-conscious house from recycled materials, at minus 25 degrees without heating. is cheaper and easier it any more.
other examples of recycled construction Worldwide
Coral Castle a mystical man project (1920 - built 1940)
Ben Law's Permakulturhaus
We have already reported by Ben's house, built of materials that occur on his land. Now we take a look in and on the house 2 years after completion.
tree houses tree houses are a daily experience of nature, however, have its pitfalls, they want to be maintained, since the tree will be maintained and continuously growing.
A wonderfully integrated tree house in India (documentary film)
The Swiss Wall AG, known by the illuminated billboards, public. Toilets and bus shelters for bus, have a firm to 5000th - dollars in future supply.
media reports about the firm
high-tech building
is the nature and shows us many examples of how something works. So also in the house or Bridges. Bone structures, honeycomb, the egg are just some of the extremely stable construction templates that are used können.Auch products such as carbon fibers, hemp plastic could, etc. with natural materials blend well.
"understand nature and copy
saves costs and protects the environment,"
respect important!
Conventional insulation materials such as stone and glass wool, Styrofoam (polystyrene), etc. exist in an environment calculation in any way, as their production consumes enormous amounts of energy and the benefits are to be disproportionate. Most of the energy consumption is distributed to the electricity consumers.
"Polystyrene insulation for the house not suitable "
As to current records indicate, is mineral wool that was produced before the year 1996, as a cancer suspect. The so-called new releases mineral wool fibers, itches, and the binder can cause allergies .
So it is with the Minergie houses, each properly built straw bale and Erdhau and PET bottles and even car tires and house 3-4 times better results in terms of isolation, ecology and economics.
If you want to build your natural dream home, do such studies concerned Stacks and submit it with your planning application.
It is necessary that this probably biggest fraud in the construction of post-war history finally bolt is pushed .
I hope this information helps you in choosing your insulation.