The holy geometry and the Maya by 2012
The universe is a chaotic system . Chaos is not disorder in the vernacular, but a complex order, whose rules are not only fully known. What is it that "what holds the world in your heart?", Then Faust asked helplessly. The philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz knew the answer already more than a century before: It is the infinite well-ordered nature of God! The universe evolves in "pre-established harmony". From beginning to end, his order is so perfect that we definitely very "live in the best of all possible worlds." ( Dr. Johannes Schnurr for public relations)
moved the date 2012 and employs more people.
The worldview of the Maya that will be presented in this talk by Drunvalo Melchizedek explained to our current situation on the planet. Where are all the negative energies that are in the 21 Century still hold with war crimes and human major proportions, caught?
Drunvalo Melchizedek talks about his training with the Mayas and leads us by a hitherto unknown world. Mayan rituals that take place the first time after more than 13,000 years for the good of the earth again, are documented and explained. Drunvalo tells the history and origin of the Mayas, their connection to the Hopis , Atlantis, the sacred geometry , the mysterious crystal skull and much more. Who really wants to learn, about what might occur to us, and should take the time and watch these 2-hour lecture.
I Frank Höfer Nuoviso of TV thanks for these films
The harmonic order of the universe ( golden section )
Andreas bags, head of the Institute Pythagoras Dresden, provides insight into the natural order of the universe, (by 305 BC.) of which already Goethe and Mozart and the astronomers Keppler and Galileo , even the ancient Greek philosophers like Plato in his cave reported.
In his somewhat older are talk about the system and the original interpretation of the Mayan calendar, the mitlerweile late Ian Xel Lungold in understandable terms, how and why these ancient science of era not only the past development of our species but also the presence of each individual and the immediate future of humanity concerns in all its facets.
In place of the rational God came the doubting man. A look at the whole thing seemed lost forever. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (also sprach Zarathustra) now sang the chaos of his lyrical praise, "I say to you. You must have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star to
fear is a bad medicine have confidence in the natural Ok loves and your neighbor as you say yourself, the Mayas; "La` k `esh" meaning something like: I am another you and you are another I
The crystal skull Mayan
vibration increases. are now measured ( Schuhmann frequency )
Golden section "fascination of the beautiful in arithmetic and geometry (Uni Magdeburg) of golden ratio and its calculation
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