elixir of life
Today we live in a society that has lost any connection to water: Water is a matter of course become, consider science and technology is no longer whole, but more than H2O, the water was to form a molecule.
water is an information carrier with many unknown Eigenschaften.Wasser is a very sensitive and intelligent organism. In a new understanding could Water, new energy sources produce. The most natural form of movement in nature, the spiral , the vortex . In the vortex implosion to take effect, in a position to actually change the surface tension of the water. Living water is able to cleanse our body and to refresh with new energy. Water has long been a special curative effect is awarded - as now in Lourdes and various other springs. This includes not only the ingredients of the water, but also the energy value. This also has been investigated several swirling devices reputable and tested. The differences of energized water are clear. The man even has the ability to revive dead water again with positive thoughts. then the re-emergence crystals after Masaro Emoto in the water.
water causes us much time to look very different.
This documentary film about the "water masters" You get a wonderful insight into the nature of the water. The water to understand how V. Schauberger used to say.
It is not so much as it seems. The earth was once the opinion of the people and was a disc with new insights into a ball and now she is living to an organism. Evolution is the ongoing transformation of society by new knowledge. The denial and rejection of what we do not yet understand, we hinder ourselves to new knowledge. There is still so much that we still do not understand and yet it is there. It is time for us to open for new things, they are waiting for us.
We have created this world with our thoughts, we can change it by our thoughts.
Watch your thoughts, for they become words, watch your
words, for they are acts
watch your actions, for they become your character,
pay attention to your character, for it becomes your destiny.
therefore it is so important to pay attention to our thoughts and also to check our language in its correctness. (Eg Privatize Privare = (Latin) = robbery)
I support all beings much strength and hope on their path to knowledge.
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