We live in an age of automation, the work is less and less ...
machines and methods to save the work, not to pay taxes on their work and also need no income people pay taxes and need an income that could otherwise they do not live.
This documentary film investigates the industry and its impact on man and brings the unconditional basic income denGedanken closer.
Just as the industry still thinks and acts, the basic income a condition so that man can still preserve a way of life. There are many good arguments for an unconditional basic income , but there is also criticism that are superior to. The money system with their debt system (interest, compound interest) is unfortunately hardly discussed. The basic income with the existing banking system can hardly lead to an improvement, but probably survive for a further help system, which has contributed much to our environmental situation, not to say this caused hat.Um to understand a little better, I recommend the documentary film "story of stuff" .
The Joytopia Academy provides a basic income from the principle of the loss of money after Silvio Gesell, the German government, which they could wear their debts within 12 years. With a 5% devaluation of the money of 1000 € per person will be funded. (Income below 100 `000 €). This would have a single very short of money to live in collective Cooperation, however, would extend it, however.
The money system must not be in private hands, it must be organized by the people ( Regio money , exchange money , etc. decentralization)
This would relieve us from a lot of pressure and coercion in life and the industry would back healthy to a tolerable level and go back to. Man and bringing back the creative, happier and healthier.
a cynical argument against the basic income is;
"since no one would be working more and the dirt remains"
Who could do nothing for his life?
who loves living in the dirt?
Never was man unemployed, than no merit!
Since we should ever thought about the possibility of new life forms which do not make destructive environmental effects and all people who are much more useful as the environment.
I'll ask some important questions that fit the theme.
Which creatures, except the people needed money, or completes insurance? Animals need clean teeth?
I'm living to work and I work to live?
What do I want?
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