Friday, November 13, 2009

Moh Model Test Paper For Dentist

Is the earth really an insignificant speck in the universe?

states the principle of mediocrity that our position in the universe and its events are mediocre and ordinary, and that we adopt for this reason should not, that we any of which may be privileged, or that the universe was created with the intention to produce beings like us or something. Edwin Hubble showed

that our Milky Way, which contains our sun, including more than 100 billion stars, just a tiny point of light in the universe was.

If it is not something special if not miraculous to the Solar System and Earth has to if it is not something completely unusual act, then what has happened here, have occurred frequently in the history of the universe.

habitable planets are rare or common in the universe?

There are two sides of the medal: on the one hand we have the star rating, attempts, so to speak, on the other are the factors. It takes a lot of factors to a habitable planet and solar system produce.

These necessary for the habitability of the earth factors were the focus of profound investigation.

The laws of physics and chemistry prevail in any laboratory on Earth apply everywhere in the solar system in the galaxy, and in many cases even in the most nearby galaxies we can see.

There exist in fact, immutable laws of physics in the universe are related to the entire universe and are not confined to one area. The

are, as for complex life on Earth necessary factors are the parameters in the search for other habitable planets in the universe.

serious dialogue about those factors begins with a requirements: liquid water. The chemical properties of water are ideal for life based on carbon.

These features include the ability of water to dissolve the chemical nutrients necessary for living organisms and transport, as well as his unmatched ability to absorb solar heat, a vital step in the regulation of surface temperature.
In its liquid form water an extraordinary substance. the distance of a planet from its sun, and its existence depends on another factor from which is essential for complex life.

It's like they say in real estate: "Location is everything."

Habitable planets are in what we call the habitable zone. - Not too hot, not too cold but just right, and I mean just right for water.

A key feature of a habitable zone is liquid water. Is it too hot, the water evaporates, it is too cold on Mars, it freezes.

The habitable zone in our solar system is relatively narrow. It begins outside the orbit of Venus and ends just before the orbit of Mars. Would be clear that Earth is only 5% closer to the sun, they would fall victim of the same fate as Venus: one out of control runaway greenhouse effect with a temperature of almost 500 ° Celsius. JURISDICTION
the earth on the other 20% further away from the sun, would be carbon dioxide clouds in their external Atmosphere form that would cause the cycle of ice and cold, the Mars makes sterile.

Liquid water is a prerequisite for life, but not the only necessary one. Finally, there could be water under the frozen surface of Mars, or Jupiter's moon Europa by. But the probability that complex life exists there is extremely low. The recipe is much more complicated than complex life, "add water."

produced deep within the earth the rotation of molten iron, a protective magnetic field, which is another prerequisite for complex life. If our planet smaller, weaker magnetic field would be, which would mean that the solar wind would carry away our atmosphere and the Earth into a lifeless, barren world like that would turn on Mars.

lights from outer space viewed from the Earth's atmosphere as a thin blue band of light is less than one percent of the diameter of the earth is. It consists of a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. The result is an atmosphere that assures us a temperate climate and protection from the sun's rays, and the correct combination of gases which are necessary for the existence of liquid water and complex life.

for a planet like the Earth is our moon in size. Our current knowledge says that without the moon there would be no us.

With a fifth of the size of the Earth, the pull of the moon, the inclination of the Earth's axis keeps stable at 23.5 °. Thus our relatively moderate seasonal changes are saved, and the only climate in our solar system that is mild enough to ensure the existence of complex living organisms.

If we find life out there, and especially complex, intelligent life, then it is in the neighborhood of a star similar to our Sun.
If the sun were smaller, like 90% of the stars in our galaxy would be the habitable zone smaller. Order made within its borders to stay, the Earth would have to find closer to its sun. There, the greater attraction in the earth's rotation would enable synchronization with its orbit. While one side of Earth facing the sun would be constant, and thus would be exposed to increased radiation from solar flares and the other half would be below a mantle of constant freezing cold. It is unlikely that complex life forms could tolerate such a drastic temperature differences.

ran a whole series of things right on earth to produce complex life forms can.

The number of necessary factors that have been set up, has grown. Currently there are around the 20th

We have found that we need the right location in the galaxy, within the habitable zone of a solar system and within a planetary system with planets that are large enough to the inner planets to shield too many external effects in the orbit of a star is not too cold or too hot, and on a planet of a moon has the angle, the Earth's axis stable, a planet which has a crust that is thick enough to support plate tectonic activity, which is hot enough to cycle through the rotation of its core to produce liquid iron, a magnetic field, with an atmosphere that contains enough oxygen to complex organisms can survive, and enough water and enough continents for a variety of ways of life or an active biosphere we need to support complex life forms like ourselves. All these factors must be simultaneously satisfied at a point in the galaxy if we want a planet that is as habitable as Earth, is required for complex or even technological life.

In the experiment, the probability of the simultaneous arrival of these factors to calculate, some researchers have set up equations in which each was awarded for complex life necessary factor in a generous probability factor of 1:10.

If any requirement for same time must be met, one must multiply the probability factors together, and therefore the end result is so small: we have 10% of them and 10% of it, and there is one fast at a very low probability. This number has to compare us with the number of stars. 100 billion is a very large number, but one thousandth of a trillionth of reducing the likelihood immense.
What do these probability calculations us is that something usually does not happen or that it is very unlikely that it occurs in the galaxy. And the direction is in the lead at the results.

There are many potential resources in the galaxy, but on the other side there are all the necessary factors, all of which must be just right to obtain only a habitable planet. And that brings me to the conclusion that we are somewhat rare in the galaxy. allow

The environmental conditions of a planet the complex creatures like humans, Pfanz and animals are rare indeed. The Earth is a pretty special place.

Though relatively primitive life forms like microbes may often occur in the universe, are planets with advanced life forms is extremely rare.

Our entire universe is about life rather voted hostile. If we all known areas of the universe, comparing, the earth is incomparable.
We live in a very special environment that provides us with everything we need: air, food, a stable condition ... The earth is like one giant organism synthesis in which all systems work together in such a way to survive it allows the animal world.
We have won the cosmic lottery. Our planet has been lucky. We are at a very privileged place.

If the Earth has existed for a particular purpose, there is a way to find out that?

The sun is 400x larger than the moon, as well as being 400 times so far ...
So we have an event that people notice for centuries, but write off as coincidence.

The phenomenon of total solar eclipse was the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, the first of a series of documents which enable us to judge whether the universe is the result of a quirk of fate or a random process, or an intended result of a scheme or plan .

A full solar eclipse is a wondrous event, as it allows us to measure the quality of the upper layers of the solar atmosphere.

fit during a solar eclipse of the moon over the sun so perfectly that it shields her glare and thus astronomers a look at the atmosphere of the sun gives, which is otherwise impossible to catch. While the point of totality, the pink shimmering arc of the chromosphere, the innermost layer of the atmosphere, visible, and with it a rainbow-like band, called the Flash-range when you look at the sun through a prism.
The darkness of 1870 led to an insight into the structure of the solar chromosphere and the discovery of helium, the second most abundant element in the universe.

The spectrum is probably the most productive source of information about the sun that we have.
And it was during a number of historical eclipses that astronomers found out how the solar spectrum is produced. And they find it only in a position to determine the circumstances were generated during a solar eclipse. You need a fairly accurate adaptation of the moon to the sun, so that the chromosphere is visible, and these insights to us by the eclipses of the 19th Century, granted, allowed astronomers to find out finally how the spectra are produced by distant stars and called therefore the astrophysics to life. It allowed us to understand how to operate other stars, since they are even further removed us from the sun.

On May 29, 1919, a team of scientists photographed under the direction of the British astronomer Arthur Eddington, the sun and its nearby stars in the Hyades star clusters during the point of the totality of a solar eclipse. Subsequent analysis of the photographs confirmed that the gravity of the sun light away stars that are located towards the Earth moving bent in the corner of Albert Einstein had predicted. Einstein's relativity theory revolutionized our understanding of the universe had been confirmed during a solar eclipse.

This experiment was only possible because these stars are visible only during a solar eclipse. These are milestones in the history of science. And watch the best place in the solar system from which one a solar eclipse may be, the land surface. I
the circumstances of eclipses on other planets and moons of 65 was calculated, and it is true that the place where there are also observers, the best of eclipses is. Was this only applies

a stray act of nature or a view of a fundamental principle and the whole scheme of the universe? can

What if the factors that make a planet habitable, the planet while making a place where you make the best scientific discoveries? What if the positions in space that are compatible with viewers such as ourselves, at the same time have the most suitable position for observation?

The same fortunate circumstance that we owe our existence, we also provide the best conditions for making scientific discoveries.

It takes a certain mixture of elements of a complex biosphere as to support our own, not just any atmosphere.

Within the family of the sun from 70 planets and moons, the Earth is one of seven bodies, enveloped in a thick layer of gas. However, of these 7, only the Earth harboring complex life, and only the earth's atmosphere is transparent.

If you encounter the conditions for habitability and scientific discovery in the same places, then replaced circumstances as they prevail on Earth: An atmosphere that supports complex life forms like us, while allowing scientific discoveries of the universe around us.

On their journey through the universe, the earth is bombarded by cosmic radiation away from the sun and other celestial bodies, shooting supernovas in galaxies is secreted. It reaches our planet at wavelengths known as radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays, and together they form the electromagnetic spectrum.
Almost all of these wavelengths are invisible to the naked eye and either harmful or useless for organic life. And it turns out to be within this range of frequencies, a tiny amount of radiation as essential for plants, animals and humans.

In other words, only a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is used for life processes such as photosynthesis. It's not as if life could have evolved that it would use gamma or X-rays. It turns out that the same small portion of the spectrum is necessary for life, while the most influential is the proportion of the various structures in the universe we observe around us.

These specific frequencies, which enables plants to Produce food and astronomers to explore the cosmos, represent less than a trillionth of a trillionth of the electromagnetic spectrum secretions of the universe. Fortunately, this is the kind of light from the sun produces abundant, while our most easily breaks through the filtering shield of our atmosphere to return to the earth's surface.

it something you would not wait on luck produce something. optimized

Just like our position in the solar system for life, it also applies to our situation in the galaxy.

While a black hole, exploding stars, and deadly radiation in the vicinity of complex life the galactic center would make almost impossible to present the outer part of the Galaxy further challenges to the search for habitable regions.

There is probably not enough heavy elements would be necessary for the formation of planets the size of the earth to support life.
So there is a happy medium between the dangerous center of the galaxy and its outer regions. There are definitely areas within the galaxy in which there could be no civilizations because they are too dangerous or have not enough heavy elements.
Even within the habitable zone of the galaxy are the dangerous Spiral arms, which take place in undSternbildungen most supernovas.

a desirable position would be outside of the spiral arms, in the ideal region of the galaxy.

And it seems as if it is just where is the earth.

location is everything, and we find ourselves in that special place in the galaxy in the optimum conditions prevail for habitability, threats are minimized and we have enough bricks in a soil.

Moreover, there is the earth in the most appropriate location for astronomical observations of our galaxy.

are located on the surface we are really in the best position to both the nearby structure of the Milchstaße observed, and the distant universe as a whole.

holds no such thing as gravity, matter, there would be no planets, no stars and no complex organisms. Without the strong interaction there would be nothing that holds together protons and neutrons in a nucleus, and thus there would be no atoms, and hence no chemistry. Without the electromagnetic interaction of chemicals would not be bound and there was no light.
All these fundamental principles must be met to sustain life. If we break even one of these Gestze, there is no life.

scientists have the relative values of each of these fundamental forces and physical Laws calculated.
These values are so critical, saying that they could be calibrated to detail at and adjusted.

You imagine a machine which is able to regulate each of the values of the physical values. If you can deviate in any of the values of these fundamental forces like gravity to a tiny amount of its current setting would be the impact on the complex life would be catastrophic.
These fundamental forces and constants are another example of the relation between life and discovery.
Not only are they set to's finest for our existence, but they can also be understood.

It is amazing not just how well these laws work, but also how simple they are.
This also refers to the status of these laws to be discovered.

Albert Einstein wrote: I firmly believe that the principles of the universe will be both breathtakingly beautiful and simple.

Many of the most important theories in theoretical physics can be written on a single sheet of paper, and that should give one to think that such simple formulas and equations apply to such a complex and immense universe.

We not only have a universe that's down to detail has been attuned to life, but of the same time a beautiful and elegant methematische structure has a structure which is the bargain can still see from us.

It seems as if whatever was the creator of the universe always intended it that it monitors in the discoveries he would be able to make.

Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Newton himself believed that the universe is the product of a mind and that it was natural for beings like us is itself, because the universe itself was the product of an intelligent being.

They revealed the hand work of God and how the world works. What a thought: that they actually can get a glimpse into the nature of God and find out how He created the universe. There is a hidden Subtext in creation that can be explained by this process we call science.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

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Monday, November 2, 2009

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Alex Jones: The Case of the Republic (excerpts)

decline of the Republic

The Presidency of Barack Obama


(Dr. Robert Bowman, nuclear engineer)
Both the Republican and the Democratic Party belong to the global elite.
And in respect of matters of concern for those elite act, both parties are as one.

(Francis A. Boyle, professor of international law:) With Bush
they knew exactly who you had to do it: there was no velvet glove, only the iron fist. Against what Obama
the velvet glove around the iron fist with. He is a bright guy, very intelligent and knows exactly what he says.
And for that reason much more dangerous than Bush.

(Max Keiser, financial brokers and TV host:)
end of last year, I was still ojektiv Obama over and thought it was too early to write him.
But now that he has for some time in office, it is obvious that he likes of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan on the New York Stock Exchange
very close and that it is the wishes of the great Banks is deaf, laws changed in favor of banks and he does nothing to stop the
banks, but helps them continue what they were already under Bush.
So he is just a continuation of the Bush administration what the financial market concerned, and this is currently the most important part of his policy.

(Wayne Madsen, author and journalist:)
the Obama people would have elected real change and get what it is all empty talk and pretty words.
There will be no real change. Everything remains the same.

(George Humphrey, economist and author)
One and the same puppeteer manipulates both the left and the right.
conduct the Republicans and the Democrats.

(Dr. Robert Bowman:)
It's not about parties, not about right or left.
The question is in whose service a government. Should not she be at the service of the people?

(Max Keiser:)
The left / right paradigm mimics in our politics to the example of the industry: in the business world, we have Coke / Pepsi,
McDonalds / Burger King, AT & T and Verizon. The game is called "duo-poly." "Duo-poly" creates an appearance of competition and a certain selection.
There is the paradigm of left and right, but unfortunately this does not change much from the hard fact that such a thing as choice in reality does not exist.

(John Perkins, an economist and author of the book, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man":)
We used to have a world with more than 180 countries, some of which were very powerful, such as they Soviet Union, Britain or the U.S.
But today you have to imagine the world as if he is surrounded by huge clouds: they do not recognize national boundaries, stick to
no specific rules, and these are the big corporations. You are in control of the politicians in the world because they have all the money.
So we have for the first time in history we have this new kind of world power.

Brack Obama is a puppet of the New World Order with the task of introducing a World Bank and a world government.

(Robert Bowman)
We do not live under a world government that acts according to the motto "from the mega-companies for the mega-firms and by the mega companies".

This trend toward world government has nothing to do with peace, joy and pancakes. This is about slavery.

The world in which it is to be a world lead us to be born in every person born, and it will be allowed to the only and sole purpose
is born to serve the state.

(John Perkins)
During the first hundred years of history the United States issued a public limited company only on Vorausstzung a license that they were useful to the common good
. That changed, especially because John D. Rockefeller to speak first the states of Delaware and New Jersey bribed another system to accept and said, "Listen, if I do want a lot of money in taxes, etc., pay, then I of the clause be freed of having to serve the common good. I want to work around this law. " And from then on a state changed the law after another.

"Is not it the only hope of our planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse
- Is not it our duty to bring about this collapse?" - Maurice Strong, founder of the environmental program of the United Nations in Eröffnunsrede the Rio Earth Summit, 1992

(Robert Bowman)
will try to lower the standard of living of the vast majority of the population.
pretend you will find that the earth is overpopulated, and that industrialization, pollution and overpopulation are the biggest problems the world has to overcome.

It is not surprising that Lord Rothschild, now the new mesh and almost proclaimed the new religion to which we must all believe, namely the greenhouse effect, and for the family's private bank in charge of Switzerland is. You have conducted the world economy during the last 250 years, why should they not so direct in the next few hundred years?

(Robert Bowman)
oligarchy is a form of government full of evil in which the rich dominate the government by buying them, and count the average citizen or the poor absolutely nothing. Oligarchy is an attitude, the philosophy of the bankers, who we owe the policy which has brought us here.

We have a dictatorship synthtisch produced a scientifically controlled society, not only "family planning," which in reality abortion, etc. means, but global planning, which literally means worldwide sterilization and abortion in favor of the ideal depopulation through genetic manipulation, the human genome project, the permanent IQ tests, etc.

(Robert Bowman)
Globalization, the world is judged economically based. Every day, globally at least 40 - and 50,000 people die every day from malnutrition, hunger and diseases that can be cured for a few cents.
If you believe that bankers so as you do, you're wrong. It is an entirely different world. An oligarch, a Rockefeller or something similar to his means that you live in a very different world, with values that represent the exact Gegentei human values.

(Alex Jones)
In order to implement their plan, seized the elite of one of their favorite tools: artificial crisis generation, also known as the Hegelian dialectic: the principle of problem-reaction-solution.

(Rahm Emmanuel:) We do not waste a serious crisis. By this I mean that a crisis is an opportunity to do things that were not previously possible, "

. (AJ:)
The ruling elite of the world are primarily monopolists The founder of the Rockefeller dynasty, it captured simply. together when he said: "Competition is sin."

The economic crisis of 2008 and 2009, an artificially produced crisis with the purpose was to sovereign nations to cripple the world and pave the way for a
world currency and a new World Bank.

There will be a new world currency. There will be a new reserve currency. They will prevail in the International Monetary Fund, the criminal bankers who will be responsible for it will happen, and sooner rather than later. The global currency will come.

The U.S. develops rapidly into a non-producing country. A produce any country that his or her own property can not itself, is not more confident, Independently and able to support themselves, indicating that this is all part of their plan.

It began when the state was a central banking system, the power to create money from nothing, without regard for the will of the people to ask
without which political or economic interests of politicians and bankers were behind the system. Once this power was granted to a specific group, the economic crisis was inevitable. Always in history when one group or the government were given power to create money arbitrarily, that the financial system ended in a crisis, and collapsed.
The financial crisis began in 1910 when the founders of the central bank met on Jekyll Iceland and the cornerstone laid for the Congress decision, which would allow the central banking system to take effect. One of the points could have been discussed there was the question we would bring the inevitable losses to the system to impose on the taxpayer. They knew that a crisis was inevitable and had to find a way out of the crisis without losing the banks (because they were the banks), and said, "Aha, we form a partnership with the government and make our plan from Congress . bye And the taxpayer will get us out of trouble whenever there is the crisis. "

(Ron Paul)
Looks like as if Wall Street pulled from the terminal by the little man must pay the penalty of the road.

We go into the greatest economic crisis of all Times. The labor market will decline. The unemployment rate will continue to rise, and therefore just as their only tool that crime. And the more things will get out of hand, the tougher line, the government will keep everything under control.

(George Humphrey:)
power them is much, much more important than money. Money is only a means to an end. Power is the desired end result.

(Alex Jones)
The goal of the elite is to destroy national sovereignty and individual independence.
To consolidate their power, the criminal bankers create an artificial Bubble of debt to pay
are mathematically impossible.

(Robert Bowman)
It is the paper is based on nothing other than paper. An immense amount of cancerous, imaginary, speculative securities whose value is artificially inflated, and impossible to make amends. There is no way a black hole of 1.5 trillion dollars to fill.

The cronies of the stock market on Wall Street are crooks. If you leave the bank vault open, these people will use it.

If you want to be angry with someone, then it should be the General, who, through a strategy are outrageous became rich based on fraud.

The Wall Street people and their friends here, here in the Central Bank and the Treasury in Washington, that is, from where the damage was done, and against whom should direct the anger of the people.

They are part of the problem, not part of any solution, and it would have been nice if Obama would have brought some change in the financial sector stands out, but of course he had a Wall Street insider
make his finance minister.

all speculative, parasitic, cancerous, bloated from all the government staffs since Carter comes together in the Obama administration, with Volcker and Summers, who was involved in economic crimes under Clinton.

(Alan Watts:) You can
would not think of any more perfect continuation of a previous government as the result of Obama's regime to that of Bush. It's the same bunch. They are the same bankers that the same young men sent to the front. Obama, far from being ready to help the people or give them something new, or even more insight into their own affairs, turned immediately to the side of bankers who have the people to once again robbed on the pants.

Obama is doing all this under a semblance of leftist politics and is to be a different approach than Bush, and that this should have some good use and care less about the poor,
when in fact the most cruel Wit and the biggest lie about the whole thing.
Obama is 1000% dedicated to the interests of the broker. If the bosses say, "Spring", Obama can jump.

(John Perkins)
We had hoped that Obama would get us out of there, but instead he hired many of the big shots that had this system prescribed in the past.

Most politicians put the blame for government problems on their predecessors and say, "I will be here cleaning up, so we do not give the blame for what we have inherited." But you can not say that the old policy was madness if you like of the main architects of this policy have made.

If you have created the financial oligarchs to the crisis serve as the doctors can be designed to get you out of the crisis, they are up deeper and deeper push into the bottomless abyss of an unprecedented economic crisis which will end in the collapse and disintegration of the economy. have

same types caused the crisis have not only earned them millions or billions, but trillions on their way to the top. And now that things will fall apart, the same people are responsible for regulating the damage and give the bastards money just cause the problem and the profits pocketed.
The problem can not be fixed.

It's so as some people rob a regional power failure, the business. They steal the remote viewers and stereo systems, etc. This is the same as what the band has made from the stock market: they have money plundered from their own companies, and now even from the public treasury.

Suppose they come one day and hit the wrong button and lose money for their bank amounting to a few billion: they can turn to the government to get her out of trouble. If make a mistake, they are taken out of the terminal. Each of the other makes a mistake, comes in jail, is labeled a terrorist, and you never hear from him again.

What are we our eyes see it is the most sophisticated form of slavery: the ever-increasing taxes due to the collapse of banks that did not come out of the blue. Was planned for this moment. They had the game a few years yet continue playing if it had fitted them, and then burst the bubble can be, but the time was ripe.

These artificially produced financial disasters are the result of a central banking system that is able to arbitrarily add and subtract money and credit to this roller coaster effect to cause. For unlike most people, banks can make in any given situation as easy on the way down to money as the way up.

your agents in the government and the media will take the economy hostage by making the ultimatum: "Give us unlimited amounts of money to get out of here, or the economy dies."

The big banks say, "Give us unlimited amounts or we perish, and if we die, you die too. "

Hank Paulson is before Congress to tell us, 'We need 700 billion dollars because of this thing, this Bedorhung our existence, the financial market takes us and we need your charity in order to defeat the financial monster! The financial market monster threatens our existence and we must defend ourselves, "He is all the time the Finanzmarktmonstrum and the one causing the problem.

Paulson, a representative for Goldman Sachs, who happened to be in charge of the Treasury, joined with a hysterical speech to the Congress said to us, "We, the bankers from Wall Street to demand $ 700 billion to us from the to bring crisis. "

And of course the answer was," We of course give you everything you need. "Here are the real arsonist. Paulson, Tim Geithner and Bernanke are arsonists who ask for more matches. And asks the Congress, "To whom we may not issue the check? To whom we should send the matches? Is a ton of matches enough? Do you want to see the matches and gasoline? "-" Oh, yes please "

to get enforced, the only way this application is to scare tactics. The doom and gloom is not justified. Many of us were told in 4 eyes, that if we would vote Monday against the request, the sky falls on our head, the market would fall within days to thousands of points, and a few members were even told that if we contrast would vote that martial law in America would be called.

government officials that martial law threatens to impose their intentions ... when all these characters pieces together, it looks not look good. We are about an inch of it distance far to become a police state.

The Congress supported the bankers in the biggest robbery in history.

You can not endlessly phantom money using plain air pressure, which is obtained from the straight and nothing as good as anything produced without destroying the world economy.

Every time we invest money into this bailout, we pour gasoline on the fire. There is thus nothing better.

There is no way a black hole of 1.5 trillion dollars to fill.

The debt is now - as never before in history - a multiple of the total global gross product. You have reached an almost infinite degree.

While the international consortium of banks led by U.S. based, they plundered the same swindle in over 100 other nations. What did the regulatory legislation in truth, was mega-banks across the Atlantic a blank check issue is covered by taxpayers.

Societé General de France: 10 billion

German banking: Does the German bank the money?

Barclays Bank in England: 10 billion

total over 50 billion words to get a few foreign banks out of trouble

This is the biggest swindle in the history of the Western world.

The biggest fraud in history.

23.7 trillion were stolen from the U.S. Treasury.

With Obama, we have 24 trillion in credit solely available to banks on Wall Street and financial institutions.

The central bank has distributed 500 billion U.S. dollars to foreign banks. But to whom exactly?
said it (Bernanke): "I do not know." Half a trillion, and he does not know?

Why were the front men of the banks, Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke all over the news and said that they were above the law?

What is a Gobalregierung? For decades the media has denied that anything like this existed. But now they say, "Oh, yes, there will be a global government, a new World Bank to which we will pay our CO2 taxes." What is it? Not more than a private, hostile, industrial acquisition of each sovereign nation on earth.
If you look at the philosophy of the global corporate chieftains, it turns out to be characterized by oppression of the poor control over the population, a view that human life is not only cheap, but undesirable, and thus is all they do the greater good and purpose of reducing human life.

you are so arrogant and confident that they say "Yes, we, the EC and the euro have created, and the people of the Bilderberg meetings are now saying loud and clear:
" We are creating a world bank and one world government "


(Alex Jones) While the public is starting to recognize that Obama promises he gave to the American people, betrayed in cold blood, the media and politicians have called the tactic, to sow discord among the people.

(Jimmy Carter), a high proportion of animosity toward Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is black.

will follow through with iron determination, their plans played up the racial and class story.

(news commentator:) This sounds to me after racism.

The establishment has no choice but to play off the public against each other.
Whether Republicans against Democrats, liberals against conservatives, black or white as long as the people fought each other, it will unite never against the dictatorship of the mega-company that has ripped through crime by the national security apparatus of the power.

Just as George W. Bush told his naive followers, it must also Obama.

(Newsreader:) President Obama has today nominated Ben Bernanke to a second four-year term as chairman of the Central Bank.

(Alan Watt:) Obama has it by his actions - you will not let themselves be swayed by his words, but take note of his actions - made quite clear to whom it belongs and for whom he works, and this is clearly not the American people.

(George Humphrey:)
aufkerksam It is so obvious for everyone that is that the President of the United States is not the person who is in control. Whether Gerald Ford or Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan or Clinton or Bush senior or junior, that Obama is no different, and it would be crazy to accept Obama represents an independent role model.
It's like FDR said, "Presidents are not elected but chosen."

(AJ:) Obama promised that he would lead the most transparent administration in history, but he is already a major secretive than Bush and Cheney ever been. He even makes a secret of who is visiting the White House.

(Obama during his Wahlkampgane:)
I can give a firm promise: every family that earns $ 250,000 less ... will not pay a penny more in taxes than now. I will not raise taxes. ... Because the last thing you need in this recession is a Tax increase, so you will not even get under an Obama presidency.

(AJ:) The core of the Obama campaign was the promise that there would be a tax increase for anyone who earns under $ 125,000 per year. Meanwhile he has also broken that promise and has new taxes on income, energy and dozens more pending.

(Reporting) Obama promised that taxes would not increase for wage earners under 250,000. Is this yet?

(response from Obama's spokesman:) We will develop the process itself.

(shocked reporters in the background:) So not!

(Obama's spokesman again:) We are the process can work out themselves.


(TV announcer:) The tax pledge that he gave in September is no longer in force?

(AJ:) Obama said that he would abolish anti-terrorism measures at home. Now he defends them feverishly. The same back-and-forth we saw when it came to listen to the American people without a court order.

(Gerald Celente:) What has Obama actually done in terms of tapped phones and surveillance? He has even brought on the whole higher level than the already hideous extent to which it had put George Bush. Now they speak of Cybercom, the new secret Cyber-Society of the Pentagon is watching over us. Of course, to catch the terrorists. We do have to get these terrorists. Our privacy is invaded so even more intense.

(Jay Rockefeller:) It would be really almost have been better we would have invented the Internet and would never go back to using pencil and paper or whatever ...

(AJ:) Obama is to provide a security bar for the Internet together, a command center, which will allow him to turn off the Internet in America whenever it seems good.

(Obama:) In today's world not only terrorist attacks by extremists carried out suicide in the West be, but also a computer keyboard. A weapon of mass revolt ...
As part of new security staff, I am here, a new post here in the White House will be led by the Internet security coordinator.

(AJ:) This new control network is controlled by the Pentagon.

(Gerald Celente:) You want to know just everything about us. We thus turn us into a state government that consists of surveillance, tapped phones. The government takes more and more control over our lives.

(Obama:) I can stand here today to say as President of the United States and that we apply without exception, not the method of torture.

(AJ:) Obama has made a big show of his investigations of torture, but at the same time ignoring the detailed investigation reports of the army, which contain the names of the culprits, who document how the records of the White House, on the orders of Bush and Cheney acted, the two main culprits, the infamous orders issued.

(newscaster:) No high-ranking officer was made in any of these cases now responsible.

(AJ:) Next, regarding Obama extended the Bush doctrine of detention indefinitely without trial of foreign suspects. Citizens may be detained indefinitely without have ever committed a crime.

(newscaster:) Obama has proposed something new today: something he calls "extended detention". ... "Pre-Crime" an intervention by the suspects for crimes can be arrested and imprisoned, they have not yet committed.

(AJ:) Barack H. Obama, who ran as a war opponent, is continuing the war in Iraq has intensified the war in Afghanistan extreme, and sparked a new conflict in Pakistan.
Now Obama graduated the highest defense budget in history, which leaves George Bush's war machine look puny in comparison.

(Obama during his election campaign:) One of the theories of George Bush is that he thinks he can institute new laws as it seems. I do not agree. I have taught the Constitution for 10 years. I believe in the Constitution and will obey it.

He has taught constitutional law. He has sworn an oath that he would get the Constitution upright when he got his license.

(newscaster:) By signing the new budget adoption was also Obama's first addendum, a presidential declaration that freed him from certain components of the application must be followed.

(Obama during his election campaign:) I believe in the Constitution and will obey it. We will not use any addendum to come to decisions about Congress.

(AJ:) He also promised that the Congress, he would be at least 5 days thinking time to adopt new resolutions.

(Obama during his election campaign:) If I lie as president of a new decision on my desk that will, you will, the public, before I agree with him, have 5 days to study the order online so you know what your government is driving Sun

(AJ:) But from the first day of his administration, he has aggressively the Conress pressured to adopt decisions, even before either the Public nor the legislature itself had the opportunity to see them.

(MP:) Is there somewhere to vote in this building an actual copy of this decision on us?

(Abgeornete:) Here are we to pass a law, and no one has ever seen the 300 pages that are missing there ... No one has any idea where the decision is or what it is about.

(AJ:) Obama swore that he never lobbyists or donors choice would integrate into his government.

(Fersehsprecherin:) Finance Minister Timothy Geithner has appointed Mark Patterson, a former top lobbyist of the General Staff Goldman Sachs chairman.

For the 2nd Position of Defense William Lynn was provided, a top lobbyist for the company Rathium one of the 5 largest contract customers of the Ministry.

(AJ:) He has now broken all previous records when he has packed his government with lobbyists and campaign contributions, the write in all public law applied for the White House.

It's a good reason why Obama wants the people or the Congress be no time to read the decisions and proposals.

(MP:) I need a copy of the still mysterious other 300 pages which we do not get to see here.

(AJ:) Shortly after the elections of 2008 familiar Vice President Joe Biden high-level supporters of choice, that it was absolutely necessary that their program is being implemented with the speed of light, because their intentions are so unpopular. They knew that Obama would quickly lose sympathy.
The mastermind behind Obama were in a race to pass a stack of decisions before they would realize that Obama is merely a more polished version of previous puppets.
Obama is the final point of the new world order. It is his task, the tyrannical George W. Bush plans to repackage and consolidate them and to praise as a progressive and modern.

(Obama:) I think one of my Duties as President is to return government "cool" to have to look.

(AJ:) Obama is doing one thing while the brand "Obama" to citizens leads them to believe otherwise. wants that the customer buys or does what the supplier has the result of the influence of advertising on his emotions: This is the essence of successful advertising.
With Obama's help sets the global establishment now includes a higher gear.
He is also responsible for the takeover of the U.S. government of the American health insurance system.
Under the pretext of bank reforms, Obama wants dictatorial power over the American economy to a global cartel private banks to write, also known as "World Bank".

(UK Prime Minister:) I think the New World Order is on the rise and with it the foundations of a new progressive era of international cooperation.

called the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, PA in September 2009, the ministers present at the end of the dollar as a reserve currency in the world, strengthening of global governance and a new world order.
While the bankers were busy reshaping the world, Barack Obama was at the United Nations in New York, since he had a new job as Chairman of the UN Security Council has. - The most influential position in the organized world order.

(TV announcer:) Obama has done is doing what no other U.S. president ever, as he as chairman of the Un Security Council, the highest level in the UN acted.

(Commentator:) For a few hours you could have said that President Obama President of the World ...

(AJ:) You memorize the good: Barack Obama is now the head of the UN Security Council.

(Alan Watts) Most people today still think that the majority of entertainment in film, drama, etc., no other purpose than entertainment serve. That was never the case.
The most significant social messages are communicated by means of films and plays. Not by consecutive logical facts, but by focusing on emotional sequences viewpoints are represented and emotions in the brain registers and anchored.
The emotional factor is very important. Instead of an exchange of information and logical arguments, there is no discussion, and in this state of the download information, the fictional defense is weakened, the sensors in the brain are active and there is no agreement to any statement, as in a debate or lecture the case.
It is located in an alpha state in which one completely passive downloading new ideas.

(AJ) In the course of history have developed techniques of social manipulation which will serve to exercise control over large sections of society.

(AW:) About 100 years ago, the authors wrote a powerful organization, with many offshoots with the intention of England and the inclusion of the United States to conduct the world about the cultural changes they would implement in the period of a century and introduce.
HG Wells also talked about: about arenas. He said that one could build on the world arena, for example, for things like sports.
At the time, sport mostly something for children, while adults dealing with things for adults.
time it was hard to imagine that there is such thing as a market niche for adult sports to entertainment there, let alone that it would build on the world stage.
And since the average citizen in the light of the rise of the expert class should be less concerned with the actual purpose of its existence, it was decided that the more helpless pregnant male sex was to find his balance in the sport.
When the radio arrived, they took all of it of course: sport for men, soap operas for the women, and then came the television on with the aforementioned alpha state to the one it added.
And since the 50s and 60s it was a hit and men were squatting on Saturday evening as glued to the sports show.
a culture industry that is called by its founders even culture industry. In the Soviet Union there was a Ministry, which called itself the cultural industry, its actors and directors called cultural leaders. Cognition, because they fed the people as a computer with new updates.
can control whole nations and change by providing them determine upgrades missed that pursue a certain policy. Today we call it politically correct behavior.
Most people want to belong to their group, they want to be like everyone others also in terms of opinions. It measures its own mental health at the echo of ideas and the consent of the friends around you, regardless of whether this is about facts or nonsense. As long as we agree on, one is "normal" and with approval, as each receives the same information.

you have been programmed, and it makes me sad because I know how hard it is for those people who are seriously interested in it what is going on in the world, or what their elected officials. There is no inclination to investigate and expose the deception.

(AJ) The scientific dictatorship knows how people tick. They understand our psyche. They have studied them and use their knowledge against us.
Only when the public about it is clear that there are intentions and practices which are designed to manipulate and keep it under control, the establishment loses its power over the people.

(AW) If it is on TV, and a famous face, it says, then it must be true. Nothing has to be backed with facts. It draws us to this great faces. This is why you keep these people on television until their 70s and 80s. It is great with this father figure has become every night at six on the screen in your house, in your room and stares at you, and because he was a father figure is: would he lie to you?
course, one would never suspect him. There are experts interviewed for Teman and performed the short summaries at the end of each discussion and you come to the conclusion of you will already presents ready. You do not come to the conclusion himself, but he is given to you and is good enough for you.

(AJ) When you drive through the neighborhood you see the blue glow of television sets. How to lose our humanity. If you want
relbellieren against the globalists and social manipulators
start off, turn off your TV. Repair to the area outside your comfort! Expand your horizons!

(AW) We are now fully programmed like machines.
Brzezinski said, "Sooner or later they will be unable to think for themselves." And "sooner or later," he said, "they will expect from the media for them to think." It arrived today. The reason people can not think outside of the TV framework.

(AJ) Zbigniew Brzezinski, Obama's most influential advisers spircht abroad, including as a personality cult can be produced artificially in order to influence the masses.

(AW:) We are leichtgäubig, and that willingly gullible. We want a man, a "big Papi "that comes along and everything just turns to us

. (Gerald Celente:) It's as if the President of" Big Brother "join in: we have a president, we have an actor is said." Politics is show business for ugly people. "This hits the nail on the head.

(AJ) Obama's role is to present a front man for the international banking syndicate and insert any criticism of their unpopular plans. His job is to convince the Americans like this that the White House was responsible

. (Re:) In Brzezinski's book "Between two ages," he wrote, "There will come the day when we Präsdienten will use the a veritable personality cult around her calling in life to be. has used with the same methods to Hollywood, we have the personality cult will use to massive proportions. "This prediction has been fulfilled today in Obama.

The globalists who know that Obama will graduate its plan, want from him creating such a super hero, that it would occur to anyone to put his actions into question, since all are much impressed from his person, his position, wardrobe or his statements.
be a star is to make him quite good, because it is less likely that anyone questioned, "What is he doing there anyway?"
to conduct
(AJ) Many of the strategies used by the population were originally developed by Edward Bernays, the inventor of the phrase "Public Relations".
Bernays said that if one is a cult figure to a position of senior authority, the same messages over and over again, then these messages will appeal to the subconscious desires of the masses.
The masses will be the leader and follow him helplessly exposed, without criticism or doubts about the messages he gives of himself.

(Obama:) We shall overcome. Yes we can. We will respond with the timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people ...

(AJ) Today used the latter techniques with devastating effects for the general public.
Obama is the latest version of mass manipulation of the 21 Century. Psycho-war leaders are counting on Obama to their plan to lead to the end they forged decades ago.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How To Made A 3d Model Church

The Antichrist Part 3 - Who is the Antichrist?

Who is the Antichrist - 19 biblical characteristics of the Antichrist


There are numerous interpretations and speculations about who might be the Antichrist or could have been, some of you might take it seriously, others less.

is often left out of such speculation is an important factor, especially in those interpretations in which he is identified with a character from the past:

The end of the reign of the Antichrist and his life are caused by the miraculous return of Jesus Christ at the beginning of His eternal kingdom on earth, as from numerous passages of Scripture clearly shows.

In this episode of our series of studies on biblical prophecies about the Antichrist and his empire, we want to summarize its main features, and take more details about his dealings under scrutiny.

(feature 1 of the Antichrist: a gloomy face)

In the English King James Version of the Bible, we use mainly because of their high reliability as a source for the passages from the Old Testament it is said, for example, that the Antichrist will have a stern or angry face:

"And the last time. .. if the sinner will have reached their full measure, a stand up king dark face, a man of understanding dark verses "(Daniel 8:23).

In Daniel 11:21 he is portrayed as "bad" or "malicious" person.

(feature # 2: He'll pretend to work for peace use)

"By peace he destroyed many "(Daniel 8:25).

"He will give the peaceable entry and obtain the kingdom by flattering words" (Daniel 11:21).

"He is peaceable come even in the richest parts of the Provonz "(Daniel 11:24).

However, Daniel is also clear that this is no way to sincere motives:

(characteristic No.3: The Antichrist will be characterized by fraud;)

"He is acting fraudulently" (Dan.11: 23).

"At one table, they will lie to one another" (Dan.11: 27).

"Those who perform bad against the (holy) in the Federation Shield, it will be spoiled by flattery" (Dan.11: 32).

We can also assume that this "Helige Bund, which is likely to be a peace agreement between the prevailing world religions, especially Islam and Judaism, however, one thing will be the first world events that could lead to the Antichrist worldwide attention.

(Feature No. 4: the holy covenant)

"He will reaffirm the alliance with many for one week (7 years)" (Dan.9: 27)

"Even the prince of the federal case will come before him" (Dan.11: 24)

"His intentions will be against the holy covenant" (Dan.11 : 28)

"It will offend against the holy covenant" (Dan.11: 30)

Another feature of the Antichrist and his socialist ideology or policy that his features:

(characteristic No. 5: Socialist trains)

"He will get by a little people power" (Dan.11: 23)

"He will cast them in the robbery, the loot and riches" (11:24) .

"He will distribute the land to use" (11:39).

speculate Many Bible scholars that the "little people" through which the Antichrist will gain power, could be the Jewish people, as is also assumed that most of of the Jewish people will recognize the Antichrist as their Messiah, as Jesus prophesied in John's Gospel:

"I'm in my name Father's come, and ye receive me not;

if another comes in his own name that will take her "(Joh.5: 43).

from the prophecy in Daniel chapter 7, we have already discussed, and from points in the disclosure shows that get the anti-Christ, the support of ten kings or nations is:

(characteristic No. 6: 10 political leaders and their nations will be hearing him)

"And the ten horns ... 10 are the kings will arise: and another shall arise after them, unlike the first, and he will throw three of them "(Dan.7: 24)

" And the ten horns you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom, but receive with the beast (the Antichrist) short-term power like kings. This is an attitude and give their power and authority to the beast. "(Revelation 17:12, 13).

Similar to the person of the Antichrist himself circulated also to those 10 kings or rulers who will be allied with him, different theories about who or represent what they could of which the most popular and most widely used and recognized the wahscheinlich is that this is the top 10 and militarily and economically pivotal nations in the European Union and its leaders.

(Feature # 7: An attack is perpetrated upon him)

In the 13th Chapter of Revelation, the Antichrist is depicted as the personification of all previous world powers from the Egyptian to the Roman Empire. Each empire is represented by the head of a seven-headed monster with 10 horns, and we assume that the seventh head, symbolic of the kingdom of the Antichrist, and that is with the 10 horns, as we later learn that it is the 10 horns to just those 10 kings or rulers who will unite with the Antichrist.

And the next statement can refer only to the seventh main:

"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death. And his deadly wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled after the beast "(Rev.13: 3).

Although it this place different interpretations are experienced as elsewhere, which we shall discuss later, that this directly to the Antichrist is, the mortally wounded, and yet was cured of his wound.

(Feature # 8: The Antichrist will act in the power of Satan)

who has difficulty in imagining how a single man, the personification of 7 can be rich world must remember that this is not a normal man, but about the incarnation of the the Bible 2000 years ago called the "god of this world" (2.Kor.4: 4).

Even as Satan Jesus tried in the wilderness and the power he promised all the kingdoms of the world, he said that he was authorized to do so because they were given to it in his hand (Luke 4 : 5.6).

so it is not too surprising that the most powerful commanders of all time will be a man at least the last 3 ½ years of his life will be possessed by the devil. The Bible says,

" And his power will be strong, but not by his own power" (Dan.8: 24).

"And the dragon (Satan, see 12:9) gave him his power, his seat, and great authority" (Rev.13: 2).

(Feature # 9: The Antichrist emerges as warmongers)

Although the Antichrist will come as a peacemaker on the stage of world politics, will make apparent, however that his true potential in the arts, will be to wage war, as the Bible in several Make proclaims

"He is his power ... raise a large army against the King of the South "(Dan.11: 25)

" (Israel?) weapons are his side "(Dan.11: 31).

"He will honor the god of forces" (Dan.11: 38).

"He will enter into the countries, ... in the Promised Land ... many countries will be subjected "(Dan.11: 41).

"He will destroy out with furious anger and a lot to destroy utterly" (Dan.11: 44).

Thus, it is then no great surprise that he, ultimately, the seven-year holy covenant of peace with and between the major religions after only 3 ½ years break:

(feature # 10: He broke the sacred Alliance)

"In the middle of the week (7 years), he will command the ritual sacrifices of compliance" (Dan.9: 27).

From this it also shows that need to be made by the holy alliance of the Jewish ritual sacrifices, and thus the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, for them to ban again, so they must have been first introduced again.

There are also further confirmation that the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt, but will be diverted in a cruel manner by the Antichrist after the breach of the covenant:

(Feature No. 11: The AC directed his headquarters in Jerusalem)

"He is the tents of his palace between the seas (the Red Sea and the Mediterranean), the revered holy mountain (Moriah or Zion, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem) to open "(Dan.11: 45).

(feature # 12: His propaganda minister)

In Revelation 13, one of the most interesting chapter in the Bible about the Anti-Christ appears a second personality, which is here called the "false prophet", but their function more of a propaganda minister or spokesman comes close, with the difference any public relations agent will possess supernatural abilities ..

"And I saw another beast rising out of the earth: and it had two horns like a lamb and spoke like

a dragon. And all the power of the first animal carries it out before him, and it causes the earth and those who live on it,

that they worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And it does great signs that even fire from heaven against men on the earth can come down, and it deceives the living on earth to do because of the miracles the

before the animal was given to him, and it says to those who dwell on the earth, the animal that has the wound of the sword

and [re] alive, to make an image. "(Rev.13 :11-14)

Although this clearly is a person, John writes under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit this man, evenso as the person of the Antichrist, as an animal or monster, what might indicate that the inner and spiritual beings behind the person is not purely human nature.

The description of the "two horns like a lamb" may perhaps shed light on that this outward toward a person is to an innocent, harmless impression, yet speaks like a dragon, so diabolical pronounce words.

The fact that this propaganda minister, the world's population prompted the anti-Christ to worship further confirmed abolished that on that date other religions and ideologies, and used the ideology of the New World Order as the only force, with its leader as the only recognized deity.

Here we also see the confirmation that the Antichrist was cured of a fatal wound.

order to give emphasis to his words and to prove that he has supernatural authority and power, the propaganda minister, emphasizes his decrees with miracles like fire from heaven, and led, finally, that the great leaders of the world an image to be built.

(Characteristic No 13: The talking image)

" And there was given unto him to give the image of the animal's life, that the image of the animal also spoke and meant that all were killed, not the image of the animal worship "(Rev.13: 15)

Daniel also wrote more than 500 years before it:

"They will desecrate the holy place to be and take away the daily sacrifice and set up the abomination of desolation" (Dan.11: 31) .

"abomination of desolation" is the name of the image of the Antichrist Daniel gave him, and is so quoted by Jesus in Martthäus 24th An abomination is something as disgusting and repulsive, sincere, and the fact that it is called the abomination of desolation suggests that the speaking and God repulsive image of the Antichrist is to be worshiped by the citizens of the New World Order, by his words and commands which it grants much destruction cause is "

(Feature No. 14: a profane mouth).

"And I looked at the horn were eyes like human eyes and a mouth speaking great things" (Dan.7: 8)

"He is great words against the Most High talk "(Dan.7: 25)

" And it was given a mouth that spoke great things and blasphemies ...

spoke And out blasphemies against God and His name and to the sky and its inhabitants "(Rev.13: 5, 6)..

(Characteristic No 15: The cashless economic system)

Another function of the propaganda minister or mouthpiece of the Antichrist will be that he will introduce a new and final economic system that replaced the cash with a mark in your hand or forehead, without which no one can buy or sell something or:

" And it brings everyone to the small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, and that they take a mark that you give them their right hand or on their foreheads; and that no one may buy or sell, than he who has the mark "(Rev.13: 16, 17).

(feature # 16: He declares himself as God)

"He will raise himself above every god ...

And he is not the God of his fathers nor recognize any god, but he will raise himself above all "(Dan.11: 36, 37).

The apostle Paul had prophetic knowledge of the Antichrist:

" you let no one in any seducing a way, for the day (the Lord) will not, unless that first come a falling away, revealing been had the man of sin, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or object of worship, so that he was in the temple of God and themselves, that he is God "(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).

is also confirmed here that Jerusalem and the rebuilt Jewish temple will be the headquarters of the Antichrist.

(Characteristic No 17: War against the Saints - worldwide persecution of heretics)

"I saw how the war on the Horn Saints led and defeated "(Dan.7: 21).

"He will destroy the people of the Holy ...

And against the Prince of princes (Jesus Christ), he shall also stand up " (Dan.8: 24).

"And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with those who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus" (Offb.12 : 17)

"And it was given to him to lead the holy war and to overcome them" (Rev.13: 7).

this time of worldwide persecution of all those who refuse to worship the Anti-Christ and accept his mark, and instead cling to their belief in the true God in the Bible "the great tribulation" mentioned. We also find many places where we are told exactly how long will this period of terror: 3 ½ years, or exactly 1260 days.

(feature # 18: The Great Tribulation)

"He will seek to change times and laws, and they will be given into his hand for a time, times and half a time (1 year + 2 years + ½ year) "(Dan.7: 25).

"There will be a time of tribulation such as never was since there is a nation even to that time" (Dan.12: 1.)

Jesus also predicts the Great Tribulation:

" If you now the abomination of desolation, of which by Daniel the prophet has spoken are, look at the holy place (whoever reads the notice on), ... then will reign great tribulation such as has not been from the beginning of the world at the time, nor ever will be "(Matth.24: 15, 21).

" And the woman (the Church / Bride of Christ fled) in the desert, where God has prepared for her a place on there that they can nourish a thousand two hundred sixty days. ...

And it was the woman the two wings, where the great eagle, that they fly into the wilderness to her place, she woselbst nourished for a time and times and half time, from the presence of the snake. (Offb.12: 6, 14).

"And it was him (the AC), where power to act forty-two months" (Rev.13: 5)

(feature # 19: A sudden end, through Jesus Christ)

can be laid

While all the previous features of the Antichrist, who certainly has prototypes and predecessors in history, with generous interpretation and interpretation in different periods of overcast nature, this next feature leaves no doubt that the final fulfillment of all of these prophecies lies ahead of us, as govern the ultimate and final Antichrist, the world as we know it in a reign of terror of 3 ½ years immediately before the return of Christ is found by the appearance of death is, in a battle of which would certainly remind the world, if it had already taken place: the infamous battle of Armageddon.

"He will be destroyed without human hands" (Dan.8: 25).

"He will come to an end, and none shall help him" (Dan.11: 45).

" on the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and all who are with you, ...

the open field you shall fall. For I have spoken, declares the Lord "(Ezekiel 39:4, 5).

" And then the lawless one is revealed to be the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of His Mouth and destroy the appearance of his arrival, him, whose coming is in the power of Satan in all power and signs and lying wonders "(2 Thessalonians 2:8, 9).

"And it has taken the beast and the false prophet, who was with him, before he signs the did, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image - and there were two thrown into the lake of fire burning with brimstone " (Offb.19: 20).

We know that the Antichrist has not yet ruled, because his bring the end of the beginning of a new world, as God has revealed to His prophet Daniel by the dream Nebucchadnezzars we explained in our first study on the prophecies of the End Times: At the end of the empires of man is the God of heaven set up a kingdom that will never go under, under a ruler of the rule is truly meet and which we know that He loves us.

Where? Because He died for us. All you have to do is like to experience that kingdom of God, to accept the sacrifice that Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, for us on the cross, brought as it was destined from the beginning.

"For God so the world loved that He gave His only Son, that whoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life "(John 3: 16).

If you want to accept this gift, you need to do nothing more than to say Jesus, "I will."