Monday, June 21, 2010

Green On My Skin When Shaving

report 2.WAL-Meeting Congress June 19, 2010

This year WAL meeting was with the movie-trailer ", a new We "opened, after which featured Yamagishi community and before Castle Glarisegg long as existing and functioning community. seeking interested for a new project. Koles Foundation presents its courageous and very complex project for 500 people, already far advanced is.
The talk about the " Food Coop " system of Markus Rüegg Sties with keen interest, it resulted in a lively discussion with questions and answers.
the "Dragon Dreaming " project is a good basis for project design, Gérard Pitteloud Gaia from Switzerland told us this Australian native principle. V. Burger, a voice from the industry is encouraging and sets a good example.
Stefan Pöllath Prince of power systems introduced us to the infrared heater and their benefits.
It was a great pleasure Fritz Watzl (80) the last to surviving apprentice of Viktor Schauberger at WAL-Meeting have around, with his little exhibition and presentations Fritz impressed the audience throughout the day.
brings with the explanation of cosmic laws and the effect of fear & emotion of our lives Navigator, masseur and architect Xavier Maur on the principles of natural course and makes us closer attention to possible solutions.
Jesus Wälti the author of the book "Island Earth" concludes the event.

This year was also a small display of nature's playground and nature houses models, naturopath G. Henne ( Uradix nature contacts) with its herb salt mixtures.
Fritz Watzel and St.Pöllath with its infrared heating systems . Orgonite mini shields Radiation harmonization, books on view, and information booths.
(WAL-Meeting in order 15.-Fr. pcs)

We did it again this year to implement, despite some technical problems to a worthy cause without an entrance fee. I would like to express a big thanks to all visitors and participants, whether you have your part in this wonderful, albeit rainy day contributed to the meeting and helped with your donation to cover our expenses almost. One could make many things better or perfect, but with the added costs, it is our intention to be accessible to all. I thank also all hope for the great feedback and take it many of the useful ideas and opportunities could you.

WAL-meeting, the lectures for the most part publishing, the book "Island Earth" by Jesus Wälti will be available as a PDF.
uses the opportunity to comment on the exchange to get more info and move.


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