Saturday, October 23, 2010

French Table Decorating Ideas

Costa Global Cafe

Today we want to tell you something about what we do otherwise if we just do not learn.

Every Friday by the Global Cafe instead, which is a project of Bishop Hannington Church, so the community in which we go here. The Global Cafe is to offer international students an opportunity to learn other students from around the world and know English well and come to talk with them. In addition, through the Global Cafe to get to know students Jesus. The cafe is run by the head of student work of the church and many community members as employees there.

The meeting begins at 17 clock with a loose gathering. It is possible billiards, table football, table tennis and board games to play or just to unt

To about 18 clock is there a delicious dinner with desert, cooked by people from the community. Sometimes there are even English food as Desert, for example, Cream Tea or English puddings.

After the meal is then another time to talk and games, before there is a short missionary devotion.

It really is a brilliant opportunity students from around the world about Jesus is more satisfied because, although the voluntary participation in the prayer is to stay, usually everyone in the room and listen.

Please pray with us that through this project, many students can make contacts with Christians and learn to know Jesus!


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