The prophetic chapters 2 and 7 the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament Teaching We would want to rise from the Roman Empire for the last world empire, led by a man who will be characterized by a profane mouth, changes in laws and times, as well as persecution of the people of God, known in circles of believers of many denominations as the "Antichrist" is.
While skeptics all forecasts about the appearance of the coming New World Order often abstempteln as "conspiracy theories", so know the faithful that the biblical prophecies have about the man not so slight of hand, after all, have the predictions of the previous empires met precisely.
In 8th chapter of his book describes the living at the court of Babylon Jewish prophet Daniel, as he has once again come visions of world empires. This time the Almighty is in his future descriptions that He gives to His servant Daniel, which is in Babylon following Empire Medo-Persia as a ram, whose horns of a higher than the other, again pointing to the power differentials between the Medes and Persians, as already in the vision of the silver arms in Daniel 2, and erected on one side bears in Daniel 7
The Greek Empire, which conquered Medo-Persia and detached from the world domination would be represented in this vision by a goat, with a "notable horn between his eyes," which in turn represents Alexander the Great. After the decline of the horn to grow in its place four other horns, which is the division of his empire under Alexander's four generals.
now makes Daniel a leap in time and describes - as in Daniel 7, a "little horn" which here would emerge from one of the 4 parts of the Greek empire, and to the south and east, and the promised land powerful would. From the following verses, we know it here in this small Horn, as well as in the 7th Chapter, again dealing with the Antichrist.
Daniel describes this horn part of the heavenly host, So the angel that would raise the earth ( V.10), an event that is confirmed in the Book of Revelation of John, and described in more detail:
"And the great dragon, that ancient serpent, who called the Devil and Satan is, who deceives the whole world was thrown to the ground, and his angels were cast out with him ... cast down the accuser of our brethren, who accuses them day and night before our God ... Woe to the earth and the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows he has little time. " (Offb.12 :9-12)
Here is described that moment in world history, in which Satan himself in the drive body of the Antichrist to take his demons who take possession of his successors, for 3 ½ years of rule over the earth.
Daniel also describes how the little horn, the Antichrist will take away the daily sacrifice ( V.11) . This is a first indication that the time of the Antichrist and his final world order of the Jewish temple rebuilt in Israel and the Jewish ritual sacrifices must be reinstated. An event which not only devout Christians but also orthodox Jews look with anticipation. It is known that preparations for the reconstruction of the temple has been under way for decades, and this can be built at any given time within a very short time. In the next verse
Announces Daniel that the little horn will throw the truth to the ground.
For believers has always been the word of God is the measure of truth .
We see here the first evidence for the Antichrist to the biblical view of things and description discard ban is yes, and declare his ideology as the only valid will.
It is the angel Gabriel in this chapter Daniel explained his vision, and he repeated three times that this prophecy refers to the time of the end of the world. Therefore, we know Furthermore, these visions have not been fulfilled, as often interpreted by Bible scholars.
Finally, Gabriel us an insightful description of the man who will enslave the end of the world towards the human race:
"And at the end of that kingdom, when the transgressors, the measure will have made full, stand up a king, insolent brow and . dark secrets knowledgeable
And his power will be strong, but not by his own power, and he is amazing cause destruction, and act and prosper, and he shall destroy strong and the people of the Holy
And through. his prudence will allow the deception in his hand; and he will lift himself in his heart, and by spoil many false peace. And against the Prince of princes, he shall also stand up, but are crushed without human hands. " (Daniel 8:23-25)
that his power will lie not in its own strength, as Gabriel explains in verse 24, but in the another is also confirmed by John in the Apocalypse:
"And they worshiped the dragon who gave the beast his power." (Rev.13: 4)
is the 13th chapter of Revelation, the Antichrist as "the described animal, "which has similar characteristics as the four monsters Daniel once saw in his vision to rise from the sea . This animal has seven heads, symbolic of the 7 world powers throughout history to control the world would, and one of those heads has 10 horns, similar to the fourth monster from Daniel's vision in chapter 7 . Only that the Antichrist will not be described only as "little horn", but as of that animal or monster itself, which embodies all the empires in themselves, as if that final world empire of the Antichrist, the ultimate fulfillment of all that is what his predecessor only partially reached brought.
The dragon is the dark lord's power, is, as in the previously mentioned verse Rev. 12:9 describes the devil or Satan. Who has a Christian doubts about the existence of the devil, should remember that the devil will total at least 111 times in the books of the Bible, and thus may constitute a reality of the Judeo-Christian faith.
Gabriel also predicts the fate of the last ruler of the world, namely that he is going to be crushed without human hands ", but not without first" to destroy the people of the saints. " After the Antichrist, the largest religious persecution in history, the " great tribulation ," those darkest 3 1 / 2 years of humanity will bring upon the earth, he will come to an abrupt end, and not by a human hand, but by the same weapon and the same tool that once produced the world sebst:
Paul, in his second letter to the then municipality of the Greek city of Thessaloniki, gives us some of the most telling lines about the show and the destruction of the Antichrist from the same it becomes clear that Jesus - as assumed by many Christians today - will not return before the show:
"We beseech you, brethren, concerning the return of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering with Him, that ye be not shaken quickly will in the disposition, even frightened, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as if the Lord's day already there would be.
you let no one in any seducing a way, because this day is not, unless that first come a falling away and revealed to be the man of sin, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself over everything what is God or an object of worship, so that it is in the temple of God, pretending that he himself was God.
... then the lawless one will be revealed, the will of the Lord Jesus hinwegtun by the breath of his mouth and destroyed by the brightness of his coming, it is based, whose coming on the power of Satan. He will perform with great power and deceptive characters and miracles. "
(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4,8-9)
In chapter 19 of Revelation and in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 the defeat of the Antichrist and his Army in the legendary battle of Armageddon against the heavenly army of the future conqueror and eternal ruler Jesus Christ described in more detail.
From these chapters we can see that these prophecies have not yet met, as some interpretations, as we in the recent history still not powerful generals, together with hosts "in the mountains of Israel" have come to see (Hes.39: 4). This event is for which lies ahead of us battle of Armageddon reserved.
But there are other characteristics of the Antichrist and his kingdom of darkness are imminent, about which we give the following chapters of the book Daniels digestion. was