While the image by God to the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar of the kingdoms of this world in the second chapter of the book of the prophet Daniel was still relatively flattering, it is the portrait of this same world empires He sent His own intimate vision of the Prophet in the 7th Chapter of the same book are less flattering.
described in Daniel 7 in the meantime the influential guide the court Baylon Ascended Daniel, as he has a night vision to rise in the four world powers, from Babylon to Rome up as a terrifying monster from the sea of Menschwenmassen:
"I looked in my face at night, and behold, the four winds of heaven broke loose on the great sea.
And four great beasts came up from the sea, different from that of another. -
The first was like a lion and had eagle's wings, I looked its wings were torn up, and picked it up from the earth and how a man put on his feet and he was given a human heart. " (Daniel 7:2-4) In verse 16 Daniel
reported as a "box beside and, presumably an angel, he interprets his vision and declares that this - as in Nebuchadnezzar dream - is to the kingdom, again starting with the Babylonian, which is described here as a lion with eagle's wings, which are plucked, and which is placed on his feet, and is provided with a human heart.
This allegory refers in all probability to the experience of the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar had to make when he failed to give glory to God for his kingdom, and then for seven years to the madness Victim was and how an animal lived outdoors. The prophet Daniel had warned him, unfortunately in vain, as one can read in Daniel chapter 4. After seven years, the humiliated king known that there is God, the power, fame and honor awards. So to speak, a new "human" heart and given it was built on the earth.
The following on Babylon empire of Medo-Persians is shown in Daniel's vision as a flesh-eating bear:
"And behold, another, another beast, like a bear, and it sat up on one side, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth, and they spoke to him: Arise ! On, devour much flesh "(Dan.7: 5)
that the bear is gone up on a page indicates - as with the arms of the statue in Daniel 2 suggests that one half of the dual kingdom of Medo-Persia was stronger than the others. The Medo-Persians conquered the known world to them with great aggressiveness and pushed further to the west than the previous world empires, Egypt, Assyria and Babylon - represented by three ribs in its mouth.
"After this I looked, and behold, another, like a cheetah, and it had four wings of a bird on his back, and the beast had four heads, and dominion was given to him." (Dan.7: 6)
The Cheetah - the animal which is on land fastest capable of moving - here depicts the following to Persia Greco-Macedonian Empire of Alexander the Great, who was with a much smaller army than the Persians in a position to him known civilized world at breathtaking speed conquer. After Alexander's death his kingdom was divided into 4, symbolized by the four wings and heads.
"After this I looked in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible and very strong, and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and what was left it trampled with its feet, and it was different from all the animals that were before him, and it had ten horns. "(Dan.7: 7)
The fourth monster, clearly more impressive than the previous symbol, again Rome, in Daniel 2 as the" will of iron legs, "and here with" iron teeth "presented . As the legs in Daniel 2, "crushed" and this animal all the other kingdoms of the Western world and "crushes it underfoot."
Similar to the feet of the statue in Daniel 2 with their 10 toes, so this monster has 10 horns, the As we learn in verse 24 of the angel of Daniel interprets his vision, "10 Kings" will be, which will result from the Roman Empire, of which we later in the Book of Revelation more remains to be learned.
But first, give us Daniel still some outstanding and remarkable details of the fourth monster in his vision:
"While I achtgab on the horns, behold, another little horn rose up between them, and three from the first horns were before plucked out, and behold, in this horn were eyes like human eyes and a mouth speaking great things. "(Dan.7: 8)
From the Book of Revelation, we know that the ten horns are kings or rulers, to the "beast," the ruler of the last, seventh world government will give their power, by one of the "small Horn "is presented," "has" a big mouth speaketh great things ":
" And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom, but receive power as kings one hour with . the beast "(Revelation 17:12)
A mouth that big, blasphemous things speak, is one of the biblical characteristics of the last ruler of the world, the upcoming leader of the New World Order, the Antichrist, whose kingdom is the coming of the kingdom of God immediately preceding:
"And it has given him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and it has given him authority, forty-two . Contribute to months "(Revelation 13:5) The angel
or" box beside and "interpretation of Daniel's vision, has this to say to that little horn with a big mouth:
" And the ten horns out of that kingdom (the Roman Empire) will be up ten kings: and another shall rise after them, and this will be different from the one before, and will humiliate three kings.
And he will speak words against the Most High and destroy the saints, and he will reflect on changing times and laws, and they are a time and times and half a time are placed in his hand "(Daniel 7:24;. 25)
addition to his property, a large, to have profane mouth, we are quite prepared Eigenschften the next great anti-Christian leader of the world is conveyed: it is 3 of the 10 kings that come out Roman out of the realm "lower," "to reflect times and laws change," and "destroy the Saints. "
In the book of Revelation confirms this:
." And there was given unto him to lead the holy war and to overcome them "(Revelation 13:7).
In other words, is that coming world empire or the new world order marked by a persecution of believers and God's faithful, in other parts of the Bible and by Jesus himself is also "the great tribulation" mentioned.
In Daniel 7:25 we get the first indication of how long those "tribulation" is: ". A time and times and half a time"
from different parts of the Bible, we know that this is 3 ½ years, on 42 months or 1260 days.
While it is true to interpret those prophecies by many Bible scholars so that their performance is said to have taken place in the past, such as under the Roman Emperor and persecutor of Christians, Nero, but the vision of Daniel is not over yet:
"I looked in visions of Night, and behold, with the clouds of heaven came one like a son of man, and He came to the Ancient of Days and was brought before them. And to Him was given dominion
and glory and kingship, and all peoples, nations and languages should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall never be destroyed "(Daniel 7:13. , 14)
precisely, as in Daniel 2 that is also here that last, replaced by far the most unfortunate of the empires of man, abruptly from the everlasting kingdom of God, an event that has that taken place yet not obvious because the peaceful and glorious reign of Jesus Christ on earth are hardly be compared with the reign of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages.
The factor will take in Daniel 2, existing empires and was depicted as a stone from the sky, we described here much more clearly than "Son of Man", which is coming with the clouds of heaven. Through the Gospels does Jesus ever even passed, "the Son of Man," as if he was the faithful of that time we wanted to make clear today that he was the person and his dignity, of which Daniel spoke here. He also describes his second coming very similar to Daniel here:
"But immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and give the moon its light does not ... and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
And then the sign of the Son of man appear in heaven, and then see all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they will come to the Son of Man on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory "(Matthew 24:29,30. )
In our next study, we learn more about the future machinations of the "little horn, the Antichrist, that next leader of the new world order, which may be in our opinion, not too far in the future from us.
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