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have the first part of this series, we treated some of the prophecies and predictions from the Old Testament, which we believe have been fulfilled in Jesus Christ: Details of His birth, His His death we live, which for centuries had been previously predicted by Jewish prophets.
want to follow in this series, we dedicate those prophecies which relate to the development of world history up to its end. In other words, even on what the Bible says still lies ahead.
One of the most amazing prophetic chapter in the Old Testament, and also that the process can be most easily, the 2nd Chapter the book of the prophet Daniel. Daniel was a young man when he was in the service of the ruler was Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. As a noble Jew, he had been brought together with some of his companions of Judea as a prisoner at the Babylonian court. One night King Nebuchadnezzar
had a special dream, and asked his interpreter that he not only interpreted the dream, but it should also remember the dream because, he said, he fell from him.
The adviser of the king were capable of such miracles do not, however, and so decided the furious Nebuchadnezzar, all the wise men to put to death at the court, including prisoners of Judea. As a
Daniel Culture originated in the Miracle already played a major role in the history of his people had, such as the plagues of Egypt, which once had the stubborn Pharaoh of the Egyptian empire persuaded Moses and his people let them go, to escape through the Red Sea , which is below said two sides, bread from heaven, and finally the conquest of the land that had been promised them by God saw Daniel in prayer is a plausible alternative to his execution. His prayers were answered and in fact, and he was promptly lead to the king at this, as once one of the 12 tribal fathers of Israel, Joseph, whom his brothers to Egypt in a caravan sold as slaves had to interpret the ruler of the world his dream.
The difference was that Daniel had to make known, unlike his ancestor Joseph, not only the interpretation but also the dream itself. But this he succeeded. And he reminded the king of the strange vision he had had in his sleep after he had been thinking about the future of his kingdom:
"Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image, this picture was huge, and his extraordinary brilliance, and it stood before you, and his appearance was terrible.
this picture, his head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron;
his feet part of iron and partly of clay.
you looked, a stone was tore up without hands, and smote the image upon its feet of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. There were also
the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and gold crushed, and they became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors, and the wind carried them away, and there was no place found for them. And the stone that had struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.
This is the dream;. And the interpretation we want to announce to the king "(Daniel 2:31-36)
This is wonderful in this chapter that you can not even head about it have what might this dream mean well, but Daniel himself gives break right after the interpretation:
"You, O King ... the Kings, he has been given the God of heaven might and power and glory ... -You are the head of gold.
And after thee shall arise another kingdom lower than you, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.
And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron, crushed, like the iron and smashes everything, so it becomes equal to the iron, which smashed all this smash and crush. And that you
the feet and toes partly of potter's clay and have seen part of iron, it will be a divided kingdom, will be in it because you like the iron mixed with miry clay but have seen the strength of the iron.
And the toes of the feet part of iron and partly of clay: in part, the kingdom shall be strong, and some will be fragile. That you
the iron mixed with miry clay, they will have seen the seeds of the human mix, but they are not stuck together: just as iron is not mixed with clay.
And in the days of those kings the God of heaven set up a kingdom which is not destroyed forever, and whose reign no other people will be left to it all these kingdoms, crush and destroy, but even there for ever:
because you have seen that from the mountain a stone was crushed with no hands and tore the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver and gold. The great God has made known to the king what will happen after that;. And the dream is certain and reliable its interpretation "(Daniel 2:37-45)
represents Since the golden head of state or idol of Nebuchadnezzar dream himself , and the silver chest and arms the next world empire of Babylon, we need to use only the story to find out which Reich represents that part of the statue.
we know from history, that the Dual Empire conquered the Medes and Persians Babylon, and known by then civilized western world. Just as one arm is stronger than the other, were superior to the Medes, the Persians, but they still worked together for their world to keep order.
Daniel himself should experience the fulfillment of this part of the dream yet, how in the 5th can read chapters of his book.
Third Reich, which is represented here by the belly and thighs of bronze, was the Greek empire under Alexander the Great conquered the then known world in the West.
The fourth kingdom, strong as iron, which was to crush and destroy all other previous empires and, was undoubtedly the Roman Empire, symbolized in the statue through the legs, reminiscent of turn legions marching on to conquer the specially built roads. Yes, even the shape of the country, the Rome native, is a boot. Similarly, the two legs of the final division of the Roman Empire, symbolized in its eastern and western halves.
All empires are listed so far from our current view in the past while, with the exception of Babylon, to Daniel and his audience at that time, were in the future. For completeness, one might add that the Babylonian empire preceded two world empires, namely the Assyrian, and before the Egyptian.
is why we read in other places in the Bible of 7 world empires or kingdoms that dominate the world throughout history, are of the six in our past.
But what about the last, mysterious kingdom on that is represented in Nebuchadnezzar's dream by the feet of the statue, part of iron and partly of clay?
we follow the symbolism of the total in the image of all comes out, then we can assume that the iron is symbolic of hard forms of government such as dictatorships and monarchies, and sound for a "government of the people," so democracies. Finally wrote a of God's prophets themselves, "How are the clay, You (God) are the potter."
We therefore see a future world order of democracies, and get harder radical forms of government made to us, but these are just little stick to each other, as clay and iron.
In contrast to the theory of evolution seems to be the progress that humanity has made since Babylon, in the eyes of God not to be too intoxicating. Although we believe we have achieved with our modern inventions and enriched our knowledge of the peak of civilization, but it seems, does the Almighty, the quality of our development somewhat differently, and we have grown from about the gold once worked down to a rather inept mixture of clay and iron.
Perhaps it is precisely for this reason that God has chosen that last world empire as the time to set up His own eternal Kingdom on earth.
That, upcoming and permanent kingdom is represented by a stone, which, we believe the person of Jesus Christ, symbolized by His promised Second Coming, which is referred to in the Bible as "the cornerstone" of "the builders rejected has .
That stone idol of the empires of man smash hit on his feet and, to a mountain and grow to fill the whole earth is, a kingdom which shall stand for ever.
In the coming episodes of this series reach us closer to the last world empire of man, which to us, what we believe is imminent, immediate, since that last "new world order" was even announced their architects steadily in recent decades.
Chapter 7 of Daniel's prophetic book we find some clues about the features of that empire and its leader, the last ruler of the world as we know it.
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