Musical, unorthodox Christian Comment on our time Downlad AUDIO (32mb)
I'm a few days ago have been requested to prepare the above presentation on the pulse : "Where are we now, what is going on in our world? "
( Song: Farewell Mr.President )
that Barrack Obama has won the U.S. elections, instead of "Bomb, Bomb Iran" McCain is for many of us a glimmer of hope, but you should be, despite all the optimism, fail to take that the U.S. is currently in the worst economic crisis since 1929, and experts say the worst is yet.
(Song: Donut )
We have such a crisis or crash actually long been expected, and although we also can not say with 100% certainty is that its the current crisis, the final crisis that will lead to the collapse of the entire global economic system brought about, the signs are still evident that we are the point in the story are closer than ever before.
(Songs: terrorist, No Friggin 'Way )
The abolition of cash, as it was in the book of Revelation has already predicted almost 2,000 years ago, is only a matter of time. France's Sarkozy and other world leaders will later this month to put together for the first time since plan 1944, a more stable economic system, and we will help ensure that the results of this meeting as to promote the new world order, as the so-called "war on terror" has done it in the field of monitoring and restricting our privacy features.
( Cold Wind )
to the precarious financial situation are still tensions between the U.S. and Russia are the Russian by the recent conflict with Georgia, sparked a new cold war, and one also sees that there is much what should we pray.
The Bible predicts that it will be with the world the longer, the worse would. Finally, the world must come even to a point on which it is ready to exchange the existing system against the kingdom of God. While we all pray "Thy kingdom come," but very few of us actually mean it, because after all, most of us do have plans and projects that we would like to finish, and are not ready for the second coming of Jesus.
( Soon )
Our intention is not, anyone with our analysis of the events in terror verstzen, but only him on the things that inevitably await us prepare. God is very gracious and patient with us and gives us Time, we slowly prepare for the coming of His Kingdom.
The second chapter from the book of Daniel describes how the ruler of the Babylonian Empire, Nebuchadnezzar, a dream of a statue, had in its current global empire, and another 4 coming world empires were presented, followed by a rock that came from heaven , the statue came to his feet and beat them and grew to a mountain filled the whole earth. Daniel interpreted this as the establishment of God's kingdom that would last for ever.
( Forevermore )
Jesus promised self repeatedly in the Gospels that he would return, and that next Time not as a tiny baby in Bethlehem, or as a humble son of a carpenter, but as the rightful rulers and conquerors of the earth, which was actually the beginning of his property. Finally made by Him all that is done, as John tells us ( Joh.1 ) was.
( From Your Lips / Soon)
For sensible people it's a little difficult to imagine God's son riding a white horse through the sky, and as he returns with the armies of heaven follow Him, the earth conquered. This requires an even more radical today than the belief of most Christians or believers, the kind of faith which even dare it be expected of God created the world in only 6 days to have, even when 99% of the population around us tells us it was crazy.
( Adam & Eve )
It stood until 150 years ago for the superior by far the majority of Christians completely clear that the biblical account of creation corresponded to the facts. Men like Isaac Newton, who laid the foundation for our current knowledge, were almost without exception, creationists - a title now - especially Germany - is almost a dirty word. Then came
Darwin with his theory, day and shall remain in our schools and media in and day out as fact in the minds our children will be drilled, even if we now know much more than Darwin at that time. For example, Charles Darwin wondered why, if his theory was true, we are not stuck up to his neck in fossils of transitional elements from one species to another because it would have billions of them have to give. So far not a single such discovery has been made.
( nonsense )
Even Darwin had difficulty to imagine that such a complex organ like the eye through the process of evolution would have to develop, but he had no idea how complex the eye actually is. Just like most of our organs, a so connected in itself Complex are that they had been in semi-developed state (as it requires the evolution) is completely useless, and thus on the natural depravity.
Darwin also knew nothing about the complexity of any single, so-called "simple" cell. He imagined that a cell consisted of a few chemicals (such as produced by a lightning bolt) under appropriate conditions by the addition of energy as in Frankenstein, was brought to life.
(nonsense / children of light )
Today we know that this theoretical process would never have to meet the reality. A single "simple" cell (from which our bodies and all Life forms exist) involves complicated procedures for the exchange of coded information (hence the genetic code), which are decoded in the cell itself to execute instructions, the operations are so complex that they would never have the chance to bring about.
It turns out that the old theory was wrong matter + energy = life. There was a significant factor to bring forth life: information.
addition, we have never been able to observe that any kind of information by itself, without being an author may arise.
( Believe it or not )
The former head of the Physical Institute in Braunschweig Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt teaches in his lectures that if you put the information in a single cell would take in books, you could shape it into a tower to the moon and back.
It is questionable whether there could even form an intelligent set of random letters in a Scrabble game herunterpurzelnden, even if this may take billions of years.
( Breathe )
In dealing with the details of creation, is a well that everything is a miracle. God proves with every breath we take, that He loves us, accepts us and accepts and cares for us. The only problem is that most of His love and care completely ignore, and all our myriad blessings - thanks to the theory of evolution, we have been told relentlessly - attribute to chance.
( you can tell me )
Only when we begin again to see the handwriting of the Creator in all things around us, hear, feel and discover, we will regain the necessary faith to others, further wonder where the next creation. Even on a so for us, almost unimaginable, incomprehensible event as the Second Coming of Christ.
(Children of Light)
We have to face the truth that we were robbed by a lie of our faith, just like Adam and Eve 6000 years ago, when the devil sowed the first doubts about God's word in their minds, and thus paved the way for humanity to trust him, the father of lies rather than God.
( close all )
How do we get our faith back? As we acknowledge God as our Father again legitimate and Mr. and feed us like little children born from the milk of His Word, rather than the destructive, toxic input of his opponent and imitator.
Most of you are out here for quite some time on this road, and from the very spiritual infancy, and progress in the faith, and the more you continue faith grows, the more you will realize how free you His truth from the slavery of this world and our own sins.
( freedom / faith means seeing )
We are believing in him discover a currency far more resistant than paper bills, more durable than gold, and more stable than the next, cashless world currency. A currency that guarantees us greater protection and better food than the currencies of this world ever could, because He who has said the pledges and promises that we take advantage of, never breaks His word.
(Believe it or not / grateful )
If we can thank Him for little miracles, like the air we breathe, our bodies that work so wonderfully, and all the things which He has created around us for our good, then we will also still learn to thank Him for greater miracle food and protection in the middle of the greatest tribulation of all time, the Jesus of the greatest of all miracles, the Second Coming, will prepare an end.
Are you ready for the adventure that lies before us?
( Come )
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