Sunday, January 23, 2011

Girdle And More Movies

22.-23. Tehran in January, 175, 176

23rd January

Today is the big day: our Usbekistanv ISUM will be 100% complete, more than 100%, we need not so. We get up at 6:00 clock and leave shortly after breakfast at 7.30 the house. We fail, first, to get into the subway , they crowded in a manner as we have both not yet seen. So we drive a station in the other direction, get in there and let us stick to the e Tir flush with the masses. There is a bus that brings us close to the embassy. Buses have changed in recent weeks their system, have always been at least four different colors and are not numbered in a consistent and labeled in Persian. Tehran even ask from bus to bus. We do that too and after some back and forth, we find the bus that is much faster than the subway and not quite so full. Overall, we manage to be at the Embassy at 10.00 and already see the queues of those who always come with a stack of passports at the door and the staircase. We climb the steps are known to take many more passes and all of us We do not discuss and submit our passports joyfully through the window. In the room itself, the lady is present, no trace of the men. Which were not there and we might as well come back on Wednesday. We have to look exactly like the other stunned when we understand the same word, what we get now in English: but the Turkmen .... It does not help, we shall start and are now the fifth time for the Uzbeks have been. We venture out to find the Turkmen , which is now converted into Swiss have. Without using it, we continue to walk. We want to go to church at 18.30. Now it is 11.30. We are one of the many fast food shops and eat something there, find a cafe and decide to 15.00, that we go back and use the time at all we can to learn about the visa process for China found.

It's still sunny and beautiful, at noon the sun is already very warm and the mountains lose their snow cover the south side clearly. We are glad that we saw on Friday actually high mountain : majestically amidst the then acting almost small mountains.

22nd January

We sleep and then hike through the area our hotel to the west. In Search of the Catholic Church, we end up in a church at the Italian Embassy. There we meet the minister again, the Christmas in Esfahan was. We are told the proper way to church. Since we've been not so late to bed, we finish the walk and watch a film e ( A song of love and death ) that we have received from Rieke and Thorsten. Seeing him in what is now Iran has special Zwischentoene.


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