Monday, December 15, 2008

Pros And Cons Of Timber Frame Construction

The Antichrist - Part 2

At the time Daniel wrote the ninth chapter of his book, had already his prediction from the second and seventh chapter meets that conquer the Medo-Persians, Babylon would, because Daniel was now living already, together with all residents of the former Babylonian empire at the time of the Median King Darius. We find in this chapter, the astonishing prediction of Year of the crucifixion of the Messiah, which was discussed in the first episode of this series in more detail.
in the same connection we get a Which transparent detail of information about the Antichrist, because it was though in the previous verse speaks of the Roman predecessor of the Antichrist, the Emperor Titus Flavius Vespasian, we know from a statement by Jesus himself, that the following Scripture only in the Antichrist, the last world Mr. Shea will meet shortly before the return of Christ.

There is talk here of a seven-year covenant or agreement that is in another place as "the holy covenant ', and suggesting that this is a religious agreement will act as something of a peace agreement between the major world religions - a federal government the world has never needed more so today. This peace treaty between - we suppose - Christianity, Judaism and Islam, will allow the Jews to build their temple, destroyed in 70 AD, and again the ancient sacrificial rituals re-established. In the middle of the seven years, however, is the world's rulers break the covenant and take away the daily sacrifice again and build instead of the temple a telling image of himself that is Daniel here the "abomination of desolation" mentioned:

"But he will reaffirm the covenant with many (confirm) a week ("Shabua" = "seven," so 7 years). And in the middle of the week (7 years) he shall cause the slaughtering and meat offering. And in the sanctuary (the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem) will be an abomination, it desolate, until the agreed destruction will gush about it "(Daniel 9:27).

leaves the interpretation of this verse only in connection based setting with other Scriptures .

In the eleventh chapter of the Book of Daniel, the "holy covenant" mentioned four times (Dan.11: 28, 30, 32), in conjunction with a "despicable people" will rise as rulers and by flattery of the Kingdom will take possession " (Dan.11: 21). We know that this is the Antichrist because it has the same features as the little horn of Daniel 7 and 8: "And do the King is what he wants, and will be arrogant boast, and against everything that is God . And against the God of gods he will speak monstrous, and what he does he will be able to complete the anger is because we do need what is decided "(Dan. 11:36).

As in Daniel 9:27 we find also indications that limit the power of the Antichrist in a certain time, followed by the wrath of God and the destruction of anti-Christian empire.

is again in chapter 11 verse 31 speaks of the mysterious horrors of destruction: "His armies are ... the sanctuary (the temple) and desecrate away the daily sacrifice and set up the abomination of desolation."

In verse 45, the geographical position of this destruction is confirmed-making idol, "And he will set up the tents of his palace between the seas, sacred to the mountain, but it will come to his end, and no one will help him."

The Holy Mountain, and Zion or Moriah called, is located between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, and both Jesus and Paul, and John put it beyond doubt that this will be water place to build on the Antichrist his headquarters is.

betrays Jesus His disciples in Matthew 24, after they ask him for signs that announce His return would be: "If ye shall see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place, the prophet Daniel spoke vovon (who reads the notice on) ... then great tribulation will prevail, such as has not been nom beginning of the world ... " (Mat.24: 15, 21)

In Revelation 13, one of the most significant chapter on the reign of the Antichrist, we find this ominous marvel of modern technology again: In this chapter, John describes the Antichrist as a seven-headed beast with 10 horns, a large mouth, which speaks blasphemous things, and 42 months, the Faithful to suppress and exercise over all the nations of the world player. another beast with horns like a lamb, "the talking but" like a dragon "is apparently acting as Minister of Propaganda of the Antichrist, and" reveals that the earth and dwell in it to the first beast (the Antichrist) worship "(v. 12 ).

"And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs, to do ... is given him power, and says to them that dwell on earth, that they should make an image of the beast ... And it was given him power to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image could make talk of the animal and that all who would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. " (Revelation 13:14, 15).

There are several interpretations of these scriptures, and speculation about who should be this beast, the Antichrist. Some religious groups claim that it was a here to the reigning Pope, and others again it would be, to other characters from history, we followed the Christian Roman emperor, or even events that go even further back in history. However, it would

sure all noticed a man who ruled over all peoples and nations, (also on another deadly attack was perpetrated by which he lived) would have a speaking image of himself erected, all the to worship the peoples of the earth, and which at the same power would have to kill all who refused to leave.

is to let pictures speak a capability that humanity only in the last 100 years has acquired, and even if there may have been in the last hundred years, figures, in which some of those anti-Christian features filled, there were still so far no one in which all these properties would have met. Above all, no one would have exercised the dominion over the entire earth.

And another historical event will honor the Antichrist and his Propagandamisnister as a team, that the World history has not seen so far Nocht, since it is the cash system on which our current economy is based, is replaced with a cashless credit system, which even today's credit card is superfluous:

"And it makes that all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to make a mark can be in their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell unless he has the mark ... " (Rev.13: 16, 17).

As long as we can pay even more so in our super markets with cash, and in temples, churches, synagogues and mosques still be free to pursue our beliefs, we know that the Antichrist not yet ruled. But what if there would be a global economic crisis, similar to the 30's, with some financial analysts have compared the stock market crash of 2008? What if religious tensions by the conflicts in the Middle East the world to the brink of the 3rd World War II drive or drives another global crisis, the world to the brink of despair?

Which scenario will make the world ready for the solutions of the anti-Christ has to offer: a "holy covenant" and the peace treaty between world religions and a cash-free and thus crisis-resistant world economic system, as well as all countries of the world uniting universal ideology?
And how can you be this time prepare, from which one can be equally certain that they occur, how will the prophecies have been fulfilled over the previous empires in history ...? will bring

how even seemingly perfect world government system, the man reached, will also have its pitfalls, and not turn out as that is what the citizens of the new world order will be hoping that, we want to handle in future episodes of this series.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pillows For High Arches

The Antichrist - Part 1: Daniel 8

The prophetic chapters 2 and 7 the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament Teaching We would want to rise from the Roman Empire for the last world empire, led by a man who will be characterized by a profane mouth, changes in laws and times, as well as persecution of the people of God, known in circles of believers of many denominations as the "Antichrist" is.

While skeptics all forecasts about the appearance of the coming New World Order often abstempteln as "conspiracy theories", so know the faithful that the biblical prophecies have about the man not so slight of hand, after all, have the predictions of the previous empires met precisely.

In 8th chapter of his book describes the living at the court of Babylon Jewish prophet Daniel, as he has once again come visions of world empires. This time the Almighty is in his future descriptions that He gives to His servant Daniel, which is in Babylon following Empire Medo-Persia as a ram, whose horns of a higher than the other, again pointing to the power differentials between the Medes and Persians, as already in the vision of the silver arms in Daniel 2, and erected on one side bears in Daniel 7

The Greek Empire, which conquered Medo-Persia and detached from the world domination would be represented in this vision by a goat, with a "notable horn between his eyes," which in turn represents Alexander the Great. After the decline of the horn to grow in its place four other horns, which is the division of his empire under Alexander's four generals.

now makes Daniel a leap in time and describes - as in Daniel 7, a "little horn" which here would emerge from one of the 4 parts of the Greek empire, and to the south and east, and the promised land powerful would. From the following verses, we know it here in this small Horn, as well as in the 7th Chapter, again dealing with the Antichrist.
Daniel describes this horn part of the heavenly host, So the angel that would raise the earth ( V.10), an event that is confirmed in the Book of Revelation of John, and described in more detail:

"And the great dragon, that ancient serpent, who called the Devil and Satan is, who deceives the whole world was thrown to the ground, and his angels were cast out with him ... cast down the accuser of our brethren, who accuses them day and night before our God ... Woe to the earth and the sea! For the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knows he has little time. " (Offb.12 :9-12)
Here is described that moment in world history, in which Satan himself in the drive body of the Antichrist to take his demons who take possession of his successors, for 3 ½ years of rule over the earth.

Daniel also describes how the little horn, the Antichrist will take away the daily sacrifice ( V.11) . This is a first indication that the time of the Antichrist and his final world order of the Jewish temple rebuilt in Israel and the Jewish ritual sacrifices must be reinstated. An event which not only devout Christians but also orthodox Jews look with anticipation. It is known that preparations for the reconstruction of the temple has been under way for decades, and this can be built at any given time within a very short time. In the next verse

Announces Daniel that the little horn will throw the truth to the ground.

For believers has always been the word of God is the measure of truth .

We see here the first evidence for the Antichrist to the biblical view of things and description discard ban is yes, and declare his ideology as the only valid will.

It is the angel Gabriel in this chapter Daniel explained his vision, and he repeated three times that this prophecy refers to the time of the end of the world. Therefore, we know Furthermore, these visions have not been fulfilled, as often interpreted by Bible scholars.
Finally, Gabriel us an insightful description of the man who will enslave the end of the world towards the human race:

"And at the end of that kingdom, when the transgressors, the measure will have made full, stand up a king, insolent brow and . dark secrets knowledgeable
And his power will be strong, but not by his own power, and he is amazing cause destruction, and act and prosper, and he shall destroy strong and the people of the Holy
And through. his prudence will allow the deception in his hand; and he will lift himself in his heart, and by spoil many false peace. And against the Prince of princes, he shall also stand up, but are crushed without human hands. " (Daniel 8:23-25)

that his power will lie not in its own strength, as Gabriel explains in verse 24, but in the another is also confirmed by John in the Apocalypse:
"And they worshiped the dragon who gave the beast his power." (Rev.13: 4)

is the 13th chapter of Revelation, the Antichrist as "the described animal, "which has similar characteristics as the four monsters Daniel once saw in his vision to rise from the sea . This animal has seven heads, symbolic of the 7 world powers throughout history to control the world would, and one of those heads has 10 horns, similar to the fourth monster from Daniel's vision in chapter 7 . Only that the Antichrist will not be described only as "little horn", but as of that animal or monster itself, which embodies all the empires in themselves, as if that final world empire of the Antichrist, the ultimate fulfillment of all that is what his predecessor only partially reached brought.

The dragon is the dark lord's power, is, as in the previously mentioned verse Rev. 12:9 describes the devil or Satan. Who has a Christian doubts about the existence of the devil, should remember that the devil will total at least 111 times in the books of the Bible, and thus may constitute a reality of the Judeo-Christian faith.

Gabriel also predicts the fate of the last ruler of the world, namely that he is going to be crushed without human hands ", but not without first" to destroy the people of the saints. " After the Antichrist, the largest religious persecution in history, the " great tribulation ," those darkest 3 1 / 2 years of humanity will bring upon the earth, he will come to an abrupt end, and not by a human hand, but by the same weapon and the same tool that once produced the world sebst:
Paul, in his second letter to the then municipality of the Greek city of Thessaloniki, gives us some of the most telling lines about the show and the destruction of the Antichrist from the same it becomes clear that Jesus - as assumed by many Christians today - will not return before the show:
"We beseech you, brethren, concerning the return of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering with Him, that ye be not shaken quickly will in the disposition, even frightened, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as if the Lord's day already there would be.
you let no one in any seducing a way, because this day is not, unless that first come a falling away and revealed to be the man of sin, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself over everything what is God or an object of worship, so that it is in the temple of God, pretending that he himself was God.
... then the lawless one will be revealed, the will of the Lord Jesus hinwegtun by the breath of his mouth and destroyed by the brightness of his coming, it is based, whose coming on the power of Satan. He will perform with great power and deceptive characters and miracles. "
(2 Thessalonians 2:3-4,8-9)

In chapter 19 of Revelation and in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 the defeat of the Antichrist and his Army in the legendary battle of Armageddon against the heavenly army of the future conqueror and eternal ruler Jesus Christ described in more detail.
From these chapters we can see that these prophecies have not yet met, as some interpretations, as we in the recent history still not powerful generals, together with hosts "in the mountains of Israel" have come to see (Hes.39: 4). This event is for which lies ahead of us battle of Armageddon reserved.

But there are other characteristics of the Antichrist and his kingdom of darkness are imminent, about which we give the following chapters of the book Daniels digestion. was

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Kristal Summers Follada

Bible Prophecy Part III - Daniel Chapter 7

While the image by God to the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar of the kingdoms of this world in the second chapter of the book of the prophet Daniel was still relatively flattering, it is the portrait of this same world empires He sent His own intimate vision of the Prophet in the 7th Chapter of the same book are less flattering.

described in Daniel 7 in the meantime the influential guide the court Baylon Ascended Daniel, as he has a night vision to rise in the four world powers, from Babylon to Rome up as a terrifying monster from the sea of Menschwenmassen:

"I looked in my face at night, and behold, the four winds of heaven broke loose on the great sea.
And four great beasts came up from the sea, different from that of another. -
The first was like a lion and had eagle's wings, I looked its wings were torn up, and picked it up from the earth and how a man put on his feet and he was given a human heart. " (Daniel 7:2-4) In verse 16 Daniel

reported as a "box beside and, presumably an angel, he interprets his vision and declares that this - as in Nebuchadnezzar dream - is to the kingdom, again starting with the Babylonian, which is described here as a lion with eagle's wings, which are plucked, and which is placed on his feet, and is provided with a human heart.
This allegory refers in all probability to the experience of the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar had to make when he failed to give glory to God for his kingdom, and then for seven years to the madness Victim was and how an animal lived outdoors. The prophet Daniel had warned him, unfortunately in vain, as one can read in Daniel chapter 4. After seven years, the humiliated king known that there is God, the power, fame and honor awards. So to speak, a new "human" heart and given it was built on the earth.

The following on Babylon empire of Medo-Persians is shown in Daniel's vision as a flesh-eating bear:

"And behold, another, another beast, like a bear, and it sat up on one side, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth, and they spoke to him: Arise ! On, devour much flesh "(Dan.7: 5)
that the bear is gone up on a page indicates - as with the arms of the statue in Daniel 2 suggests that one half of the dual kingdom of Medo-Persia was stronger than the others. The Medo-Persians conquered the known world to them with great aggressiveness and pushed further to the west than the previous world empires, Egypt, Assyria and Babylon - represented by three ribs in its mouth.
"After this I looked, and behold, another, like a cheetah, and it had four wings of a bird on his back, and the beast had four heads, and dominion was given to him." (Dan.7: 6)
The Cheetah - the animal which is on land fastest capable of moving - here depicts the following to Persia Greco-Macedonian Empire of Alexander the Great, who was with a much smaller army than the Persians in a position to him known civilized world at breathtaking speed conquer. After Alexander's death his kingdom was divided into 4, symbolized by the four wings and heads.
"After this I looked in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible and very strong, and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and what was left it trampled with its feet, and it was different from all the animals that were before him, and it had ten horns. "(Dan.7: 7)
The fourth monster, clearly more impressive than the previous symbol, again Rome, in Daniel 2 as the" will of iron legs, "and here with" iron teeth "presented . As the legs in Daniel 2, "crushed" and this animal all the other kingdoms of the Western world and "crushes it underfoot."
Similar to the feet of the statue in Daniel 2 with their 10 toes, so this monster has 10 horns, the As we learn in verse 24 of the angel of Daniel interprets his vision, "10 Kings" will be, which will result from the Roman Empire, of which we later in the Book of Revelation more remains to be learned.
But first, give us Daniel still some outstanding and remarkable details of the fourth monster in his vision:
"While I achtgab on the horns, behold, another little horn rose up between them, and three from the first horns were before plucked out, and behold, in this horn were eyes like human eyes and a mouth speaking great things. "(Dan.7: 8)
From the Book of Revelation, we know that the ten horns are kings or rulers, to the "beast," the ruler of the last, seventh world government will give their power, by one of the "small Horn "is presented," "has" a big mouth speaketh great things ":
" And the ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom, but receive power as kings one hour with . the beast "(Revelation 17:12)
A mouth that big, blasphemous things speak, is one of the biblical characteristics of the last ruler of the world, the upcoming leader of the New World Order, the Antichrist, whose kingdom is the coming of the kingdom of God immediately preceding:
"And it has given him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and it has given him authority, forty-two . Contribute to months "(Revelation 13:5) The angel
or" box beside and "interpretation of Daniel's vision, has this to say to that little horn with a big mouth:
" And the ten horns out of that kingdom (the Roman Empire) will be up ten kings: and another shall rise after them, and this will be different from the one before, and will humiliate three kings.
And he will speak words against the Most High and destroy the saints, and he will reflect on changing times and laws, and they are a time and times and half a time are placed in his hand "(Daniel 7:24;. 25)

addition to his property, a large, to have profane mouth, we are quite prepared Eigenschften the next great anti-Christian leader of the world is conveyed: it is 3 of the 10 kings that come out Roman out of the realm "lower," "to reflect times and laws change," and "destroy the Saints. "
In the book of Revelation confirms this:

." And there was given unto him to lead the holy war and to overcome them "(Revelation 13:7).

In other words, is that coming world empire or the new world order marked by a persecution of believers and God's faithful, in other parts of the Bible and by Jesus himself is also "the great tribulation" mentioned.

In Daniel 7:25 we get the first indication of how long those "tribulation" is: ". A time and times and half a time"

from different parts of the Bible, we know that this is 3 ½ years, on 42 months or 1260 days.

While it is true to interpret those prophecies by many Bible scholars so that their performance is said to have taken place in the past, such as under the Roman Emperor and persecutor of Christians, Nero, but the vision of Daniel is not over yet:

"I looked in visions of Night, and behold, with the clouds of heaven came one like a son of man, and He came to the Ancient of Days and was brought before them. And to Him was given dominion
and glory and kingship, and all peoples, nations and languages should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall never be destroyed "(Daniel 7:13. , 14)

precisely, as in Daniel 2 that is also here that last, replaced by far the most unfortunate of the empires of man, abruptly from the everlasting kingdom of God, an event that has that taken place yet not obvious because the peaceful and glorious reign of Jesus Christ on earth are hardly be compared with the reign of the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages.

The factor will take in Daniel 2, existing empires and was depicted as a stone from the sky, we described here much more clearly than "Son of Man", which is coming with the clouds of heaven. Through the Gospels does Jesus ever even passed, "the Son of Man," as if he was the faithful of that time we wanted to make clear today that he was the person and his dignity, of which Daniel spoke here. He also describes his second coming very similar to Daniel here:

"But immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and give the moon its light does not ... and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
And then the sign of the Son of man appear in heaven, and then see all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they will come to the Son of Man on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory "(Matthew 24:29,30. )

In our next study, we learn more about the future machinations of the "little horn, the Antichrist, that next leader of the new world order, which may be in our opinion, not too far in the future from us.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

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Bible Prophecy Part II - Daniel Chapter 2 Bible prophecy

(script:) ( Downlad Audio - 14MB )
have the first part of this series, we treated some of the prophecies and predictions from the Old Testament, which we believe have been fulfilled in Jesus Christ: Details of His birth, His His death we live, which for centuries had been previously predicted by Jewish prophets.
want to follow in this series, we dedicate those prophecies which relate to the development of world history up to its end. In other words, even on what the Bible says still lies ahead.
One of the most amazing prophetic chapter in the Old Testament, and also that the process can be most easily, the 2nd Chapter the book of the prophet Daniel. Daniel was a young man when he was in the service of the ruler was Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. As a noble Jew, he had been brought together with some of his companions of Judea as a prisoner at the Babylonian court. One night King Nebuchadnezzar
had a special dream, and asked his interpreter that he not only interpreted the dream, but it should also remember the dream because, he said, he fell from him.
The adviser of the king were capable of such miracles do not, however, and so decided the furious Nebuchadnezzar, all the wise men to put to death at the court, including prisoners of Judea. As a
Daniel Culture originated in the Miracle already played a major role in the history of his people had, such as the plagues of Egypt, which once had the stubborn Pharaoh of the Egyptian empire persuaded Moses and his people let them go, to escape through the Red Sea , which is below said two sides, bread from heaven, and finally the conquest of the land that had been promised them by God saw Daniel in prayer is a plausible alternative to his execution. His prayers were answered and in fact, and he was promptly lead to the king at this, as once one of the 12 tribal fathers of Israel, Joseph, whom his brothers to Egypt in a caravan sold as slaves had to interpret the ruler of the world his dream.
The difference was that Daniel had to make known, unlike his ancestor Joseph, not only the interpretation but also the dream itself. But this he succeeded. And he reminded the king of the strange vision he had had in his sleep after he had been thinking about the future of his kingdom:
"Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image, this picture was huge, and his extraordinary brilliance, and it stood before you, and his appearance was terrible.
this picture, his head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, his legs of iron;
his feet part of iron and partly of clay.
you looked, a stone was tore up without hands, and smote the image upon its feet of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. There were also
the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and gold crushed, and they became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors, and the wind carried them away, and there was no place found for them. And the stone that had struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.
This is the dream;. And the interpretation we want to announce to the king "(Daniel 2:31-36)

This is wonderful in this chapter that you can not even head about it have what might this dream mean well, but Daniel himself gives break right after the interpretation:

"You, O King ... the Kings, he has been given the God of heaven might and power and glory ... -You are the head of gold.
And after thee shall arise another kingdom lower than you, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.
And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron, crushed, like the iron and smashes everything, so it becomes equal to the iron, which smashed all this smash and crush. And that you
the feet and toes partly of potter's clay and have seen part of iron, it will be a divided kingdom, will be in it because you like the iron mixed with miry clay but have seen the strength of the iron.
And the toes of the feet part of iron and partly of clay: in part, the kingdom shall be strong, and some will be fragile. That you
the iron mixed with miry clay, they will have seen the seeds of the human mix, but they are not stuck together: just as iron is not mixed with clay.
And in the days of those kings the God of heaven set up a kingdom which is not destroyed forever, and whose reign no other people will be left to it all these kingdoms, crush and destroy, but even there for ever:
because you have seen that from the mountain a stone was crushed with no hands and tore the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver and gold. The great God has made known to the king what will happen after that;. And the dream is certain and reliable its interpretation "(Daniel 2:37-45)

represents Since the golden head of state or idol of Nebuchadnezzar dream himself , and the silver chest and arms the next world empire of Babylon, we need to use only the story to find out which Reich represents that part of the statue.

we know from history, that the Dual Empire conquered the Medes and Persians Babylon, and known by then civilized western world. Just as one arm is stronger than the other, were superior to the Medes, the Persians, but they still worked together for their world to keep order.

Daniel himself should experience the fulfillment of this part of the dream yet, how in the 5th can read chapters of his book.

Third Reich, which is represented here by the belly and thighs of bronze, was the Greek empire under Alexander the Great conquered the then known world in the West.

The fourth kingdom, strong as iron, which was to crush and destroy all other previous empires and, was undoubtedly the Roman Empire, symbolized in the statue through the legs, reminiscent of turn legions marching on to conquer the specially built roads. Yes, even the shape of the country, the Rome native, is a boot. Similarly, the two legs of the final division of the Roman Empire, symbolized in its eastern and western halves.

All empires are listed so far from our current view in the past while, with the exception of Babylon, to Daniel and his audience at that time, were in the future. For completeness, one might add that the Babylonian empire preceded two world empires, namely the Assyrian, and before the Egyptian.
is why we read in other places in the Bible of 7 world empires or kingdoms that dominate the world throughout history, are of the six in our past.

But what about the last, mysterious kingdom on that is represented in Nebuchadnezzar's dream by the feet of the statue, part of iron and partly of clay?

we follow the symbolism of the total in the image of all comes out, then we can assume that the iron is symbolic of hard forms of government such as dictatorships and monarchies, and sound for a "government of the people," so democracies. Finally wrote a of God's prophets themselves, "How are the clay, You (God) are the potter."

We therefore see a future world order of democracies, and get harder radical forms of government made to us, but these are just little stick to each other, as clay and iron.

In contrast to the theory of evolution seems to be the progress that humanity has made since Babylon, in the eyes of God not to be too intoxicating. Although we believe we have achieved with our modern inventions and enriched our knowledge of the peak of civilization, but it seems, does the Almighty, the quality of our development somewhat differently, and we have grown from about the gold once worked down to a rather inept mixture of clay and iron.

Perhaps it is precisely for this reason that God has chosen that last world empire as the time to set up His own eternal Kingdom on earth.

That, upcoming and permanent kingdom is represented by a stone, which, we believe the person of Jesus Christ, symbolized by His promised Second Coming, which is referred to in the Bible as "the cornerstone" of "the builders rejected has .

That stone idol of the empires of man smash hit on his feet and, to a mountain and grow to fill the whole earth is, a kingdom which shall stand for ever.

In the coming episodes of this series reach us closer to the last world empire of man, which to us, what we believe is imminent, immediate, since that last "new world order" was even announced their architects steadily in recent decades.

Chapter 7 of Daniel's prophetic book we find some clues about the features of that empire and its leader, the last ruler of the world as we know it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

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- Part 1: Who is Jesus

The Bible. Undoubtedly one of the most controversial books history. People were persecuted for imprisoned and executed that they were trying to make it accessible in their current language to the general public, or is that they tried to practice his views and teachings in innovative ways, as their pursuers, the alleged sending you the source of their authority have taken to the same source.

The current war against the Bible is not, as in the Middle Ages, led by Inquisitors, but by media moguls who spray daily in a pseudo-science programs and articles misinformation about how the Bible through the centuries had been falsified.

We want our Contributions help to provide a clearer picture of our view of the Bible, and give people the opportunity to hear the other side of the story that the media - and, unfortunately, part of the religious institutions themselves - concealed or completely ignored is.

Is the Bible just another book that announces its ideologies shaped by people? Or is this actually the call as many as "religious fanatics" abgestemptelte believers, "the word of God"?
And if in fact inspired by the Creator, what are the evidence or arguments for this belief?

A tangible argument the evidence suggesting that the Bible is inspired in fact, and is based not only on human thought, is the variety of prophecies and predictions, which are included in their ancient writings, which have several already met, and sending you others are just unfold before our eyes.

written in the Bible consists of 66 individual documents, from about 40 different authors over a period of about 1500 years ago, and was in the 4th century by church leaders as "The Holy Scriptures" together.

The most important prophecies of the Old Testament come from the Jewish prophets Jermias, Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, who lived in part before and during the Babylonian conquest of Judea her home, and refer in part to events of their imminent future, while others look much further forward.

We would like to open this series with some of the prophecies, which, we believe, without doubt, have met in Jesus Christ. The title "Christ" comes from the Hebrew word "Messiah", which means "The Anointed One". Although the majority of the Jewish people does not recognize Jesus or Yashua far as the ancient Jewish writings in the promised Messiah, so it is left to the reader of these writings to to form his own opinion about it.

Who is Jesus?

The historical Jesus is also undeniable we Julius Caesar. Dozens ...

One of the surprising aspects of His life, however, are the prophecies of the centuries before His birth by the prophets of the Old Testament were made about him.

around 750 BC, the Jewish prophet Isaiah wrote: "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel hot" ( Jes.7 : 14 ).

According to the 1 from the -Century record incoming the Greek physician Luke, and the Jewish, the former tax collector for the Roman conquerors of Palestine called Matthew, fulfilled this prophecy in the visit of the angel Gabriel to Nazareth in a teenager named Miriam, also called (after the Greek translation), Maria.

Gabriel announced to the girls: (Lk 1:26-35 , mt.1 :21-23 )

Miriam protested at first, because they had never been intimate with a man, but there was the will of God out to allow that to happen probably the most celebrated event of Christianity.

is an equally fascinating prophecy of Isaiah: "For a Child is born to us, a son given to us, and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name is called Wonderful, consultants, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace "( Jes.9: 6 )
The Prophet. Isaiah announced here at the birth of an apparently very special child, that a man's son, who is also God. This passage also confirms other passages in the Old Testament tell us that God has a son. Proverbs 30:4 such as: "Who has ascended to heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who bound the waters in a blanket? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what the name of his son, if you know it? "

Ca. 800 before Christ's birth predicted the prophet Micah: "And you, Bethlehem Ephrata, too small to be among the thousands of Judah, out of thee shall come forth, is to be ruler over Israel, and its outputs are of the prehistoric times, her from the days of eternity. "(Micah 5:2)
Matthew reported as 8 centuries later, Joseph, her fiance and then husband of Miriam result of an imperial decree 150 km from his hometown, Nazareth, with his wife to his birthplace had to travel to register there by the Romans: the small town of Bethlehem. We all know the rest of the story, as the king of kings held there in a palace in a stall was born. ( mt.2: 1 )

here that a child should be born, but whose mind was older than the oldest man, can perhaps begin to understand ourselves what Jesus meant when he, in a debate with the Jewish authority, pursuing him , said, "Before Abraham was I am." (John 8:58)

He meant that He was the one who had the burning bush spoke to Moses centuries earlier and he said he intended to in slavery people kept saying the God of Israel with the name "I am who am" I sent him the importance of the Hebrew name "Yahweh" or "Jehovah."

In the Gospels we read how Jesus as a grown man in the congregation of the synagogue of Nazareth, the following lines from the scroll of Isaiah read, and to the dismay of his audience, said those words had come true before their eyes:

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me because He has anointed Me to bring glad tidings to the meek, for He has sent Me to to combine, the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison-bound; to proclaim the year of acceptance of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God to comfort all who mourn "(Jes.61: 1.2)
" The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor, and he sent me to proclaim release prisoners and to end the face blind, oppressed go free, to proclaim the pleasant pleasing O. {} year of the Lord. " (Lk.4: 18, 19)

Since it was inconceivable to both the residents of his city who knew him from childhood, and for the religious leaders in Jerusalem, that this seemingly insignificant man without the usual pomp and lust for power of positioned members of society could be the Son of God, It did not take too long until they were planning his death, in order to meet not only the true purpose of His coming, namely as a sacrificial lamb to allow for the sins of all his life, but also to meet the most important prophecies about Him.

Around 450 BC Zechariah Prophesied in the Old Testament: "Rejoice aloud, O daughter Zion, shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king shall come to thee, just and having salvation is he, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey "(Sach.9: 9).
This prophecy was fulfilled Jesus only a few as a day before his death, he with his disciples to Jerusalem for Passover came and told them where they would find a young donkey for him, on which he was riding in his celebrated entry into Jerusalem would like to tell us the Evangelist ( Mt.21 :2-10 )
Zechariah tells us at what price the Son of God, four and a half centuries would be revealed later: "And I said unto them, If it is good in your eyes, so I asked my salary, but if not, it will let, and they weighed for my wages. thirty pieces of silver" (Sach.11: 12) Matthew
later reported, "Then came one of the twelve, Judas Iscariot was called to the chief priests and said, What will ye give me, and I will deliver it to you? And they gave him thirty pieces of silver. "(Mt.26: 14.15)
Zechariah further prophesied," And the Lord said to me, "Throw it to the potter, the wonderful price that I am worthy of their attention! And I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the Lord, the potter's go. "(Zechariah 11:13) And again
Matthew reported on the fulfillment of this prophecy also:
" Then Judas, who had handed him saw that he was condemned, repented him, and he brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders and said, "I have sinned, as I innocent blood have survived. But they said: What is that to us? To see you. And he threw the pieces of silver into the temple and went away and went and hanged himself. The chief priests took the silver pieces and said: It is not allowed to throw them into the treasury, seeing that it is blood money. And they took counsel, and bought for the potter's field to bury the stranger. "(Mt.27 :3-9)

In one of the most accurate descriptions of the most prophetic of the coming Messiah, the 53rd Chapter of the book of Isaiah, the 750 years was gescrhrieben BC, we find more detailed predictions about the life and death of Yashua the Messiah, Jesus Christ known:
"Surely He has borne our infirmities and carried our sorrows, he has loaded up. And we, we considered him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted, but for our transgressions, He was wounded for our iniquities to destroy. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed.
He was mistreated, but he bent down, put his mouth does not, like the lamb that is led to slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is dumb, and He opened not his mouth. - He has been taken away from prison and court. He was cut off from the land of the living: For the transgression of my People met him punishment. And you his grave is determined at the wicked, but with the rich he was in his death because he has committed no wrong and there is no deceit in His mouth "( Isaiah 53 )

Some of the most amazing prophecies. about the death of the Messiah come from a period around 1000 BC, had by the indisputable most remarkable king to the nation of Israel ever: the former shepherd boy David, who had made as a teenager by his triumph over the giant Goliath Jewish history.
David wrote most of the located in the Old Testament Psalms, which were really spiritual songs, in their Texts, however, we find a wealth of prophetic predictions. King David himself died a natural death, as in the first Book of Kings reported, so he did not speak of himself as he wrote:
"Dogs have surrounded me, a band of evildoers has encircled me. You have my hands and my feet pierced, and all my bones I could count. They look and stare at me;. They part my garments among them, and upon my vesture they cast lots "(Ps.22 :16-18)
Consider also that the execution method of the crucifixion to King David's lifetime, not even existed, but only with the Auftstieg of the Roman Empire was practiced.

The psalmist David prophesied that: "suffering of the righteous, the Lord keepeth all his bones, not one of them is broken." (Ps.34: 19, 20)
Since Jesus was crucified on the eve of the Passover , the highest holiday of the Jewish tradition at that time, accelerated the Roman soldiers to the death of two thieves who were crucified with Jesus by breaking their legs. When they came to Jesus, however, he was already dead and thus fulfilled the prophecy that none of the remains would be the just broken.
To be sure, he drilled a soldier with a javelin in the side, fulfilling another prophecy:
"The House of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem will look on Me whom they have pierced, and they will mourn for him, and bitterly sorry who just suffering with bitterness for his firstborn. "(Sach.12: 10)

The prophet Daniel, from the we will hear in the coming episodes of this series more, even nearly 500 years, said before the exact year of the crucifixion ahead
"From the word go out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah, are seven weeks and sixty-two weeks. After the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off. And the people of the coming prince shall destroy the city and the sanctuary is "(Dan.9: 25, 26).
The original The word translated here as "week" is "Shabua" and means buschstäblich "seven." 49x7 = 483, the exact number of years of the adoption by the Persian king Artaxerxes Longiman in 353 BC to the crucifixion in the year 30 our time.

It took 49 years until the Babylonians destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem was built, and another 434 to the "Messiah put away" was. Another 40 years later met the rest of Daniel's prophecy, as the Romans, "the people of the coming prince," the "city and the sanctuary" destroyed again. Finally, predicts David

the resurrection of the Messiah: "For my soul will not let you Sheol will not allow that your just to see corruption." (Ps.16: 10)
"Sheol" is the Hebrew word for "hell" and "grave." As King David was buried after his death, we know that did not apply these words to himself, but to the other, the "righteous" who rose from the dead, according to the testimony of His followers three days after his execution.

The discovery of the Qumran scrolls in Palestine from 1947 show that all these prophecies were made long before Christ.

There are also prophecies fulfilled until long after Christ were such that one can not say the Gospels were manipulated so that they match the predictions.

For example, does the prophet Ezekiel in 572 BC, a prophecy, which only later than 2000 years, should meet in 1542,:

"And He brought me back the way to the outer gates of the sanctuary which looked to the east, and it was locked. And the Lord said to me: This gate shall be closed and it should not be opened, and no one should go through him, because the Lord God of Israel, is fed through the same thing, so shall it be sealed "(Hes.44. : 1.2)
In 70 AD Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. 1542 was built by the Muslim Sultan Sulieman the walls again and left the eastern gate walled up because the Jews are still expected that their Messiah would enter through this gate.

Or is it something like this, that He has already done? can

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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Old Indian Woman Boobs

up to date - November 2008

Musical, unorthodox Christian Comment on our time Downlad AUDIO (32mb)

I'm a few days ago have been requested to prepare the above presentation on the pulse : "Where are we now, what is going on in our world? "

( Song: Farewell Mr.President )

that Barrack Obama has won the U.S. elections, instead of "Bomb, Bomb Iran" McCain is for many of us a glimmer of hope, but you should be, despite all the optimism, fail to take that the U.S. is currently in the worst economic crisis since 1929, and experts say the worst is yet.

(Song: Donut )

We have such a crisis or crash actually long been expected, and although we also can not say with 100% certainty is that its the current crisis, the final crisis that will lead to the collapse of the entire global economic system brought about, the signs are still evident that we are the point in the story are closer than ever before.

(Songs: terrorist, No Friggin 'Way )

The abolition of cash, as it was in the book of Revelation has already predicted almost 2,000 years ago, is only a matter of time. France's Sarkozy and other world leaders will later this month to put together for the first time since plan 1944, a more stable economic system, and we will help ensure that the results of this meeting as to promote the new world order, as the so-called "war on terror" has done it in the field of monitoring and restricting our privacy features.

( Cold Wind )

to the precarious financial situation are still tensions between the U.S. and Russia are the Russian by the recent conflict with Georgia, sparked a new cold war, and one also sees that there is much what should we pray.

The Bible predicts that it will be with the world the longer, the worse would. Finally, the world must come even to a point on which it is ready to exchange the existing system against the kingdom of God. While we all pray "Thy kingdom come," but very few of us actually mean it, because after all, most of us do have plans and projects that we would like to finish, and are not ready for the second coming of Jesus.

( Soon )

Our intention is not, anyone with our analysis of the events in terror verstzen, but only him on the things that inevitably await us prepare. God is very gracious and patient with us and gives us Time, we slowly prepare for the coming of His Kingdom.

The second chapter from the book of Daniel describes how the ruler of the Babylonian Empire, Nebuchadnezzar, a dream of a statue, had in its current global empire, and another 4 coming world empires were presented, followed by a rock that came from heaven , the statue came to his feet and beat them and grew to a mountain filled the whole earth. Daniel interpreted this as the establishment of God's kingdom that would last for ever.

( Forevermore )

Jesus promised self repeatedly in the Gospels that he would return, and that next Time not as a tiny baby in Bethlehem, or as a humble son of a carpenter, but as the rightful rulers and conquerors of the earth, which was actually the beginning of his property. Finally made by Him all that is done, as John tells us ( Joh.1 ) was.

( From Your Lips / Soon)

For sensible people it's a little difficult to imagine God's son riding a white horse through the sky, and as he returns with the armies of heaven follow Him, the earth conquered. This requires an even more radical today than the belief of most Christians or believers, the kind of faith which even dare it be expected of God created the world in only 6 days to have, even when 99% of the population around us tells us it was crazy.

( Adam & Eve )

It stood until 150 years ago for the superior by far the majority of Christians completely clear that the biblical account of creation corresponded to the facts. Men like Isaac Newton, who laid the foundation for our current knowledge, were almost without exception, creationists - a title now - especially Germany - is almost a dirty word. Then came
Darwin with his theory, day and shall remain in our schools and media in and day out as fact in the minds our children will be drilled, even if we now know much more than Darwin at that time. For example, Charles Darwin wondered why, if his theory was true, we are not stuck up to his neck in fossils of transitional elements from one species to another because it would have billions of them have to give. So far not a single such discovery has been made.

( nonsense )

Even Darwin had difficulty to imagine that such a complex organ like the eye through the process of evolution would have to develop, but he had no idea how complex the eye actually is. Just like most of our organs, a so connected in itself Complex are that they had been in semi-developed state (as it requires the evolution) is completely useless, and thus on the natural depravity.
Darwin also knew nothing about the complexity of any single, so-called "simple" cell. He imagined that a cell consisted of a few chemicals (such as produced by a lightning bolt) under appropriate conditions by the addition of energy as in Frankenstein, was brought to life.

(nonsense / children of light )

Today we know that this theoretical process would never have to meet the reality. A single "simple" cell (from which our bodies and all Life forms exist) involves complicated procedures for the exchange of coded information (hence the genetic code), which are decoded in the cell itself to execute instructions, the operations are so complex that they would never have the chance to bring about.

It turns out that the old theory was wrong matter + energy = life. There was a significant factor to bring forth life: information.

addition, we have never been able to observe that any kind of information by itself, without being an author may arise.

( Believe it or not )

The former head of the Physical Institute in Braunschweig Prof. Dr. Werner Gitt teaches in his lectures that if you put the information in a single cell would take in books, you could shape it into a tower to the moon and back.
It is questionable whether there could even form an intelligent set of random letters in a Scrabble game herunterpurzelnden, even if this may take billions of years.

( Breathe )

In dealing with the details of creation, is a well that everything is a miracle. God proves with every breath we take, that He loves us, accepts us and accepts and cares for us. The only problem is that most of His love and care completely ignore, and all our myriad blessings - thanks to the theory of evolution, we have been told relentlessly - attribute to chance.

( you can tell me )

Only when we begin again to see the handwriting of the Creator in all things around us, hear, feel and discover, we will regain the necessary faith to others, further wonder where the next creation. Even on a so for us, almost unimaginable, incomprehensible event as the Second Coming of Christ.

(Children of Light)

We have to face the truth that we were robbed by a lie of our faith, just like Adam and Eve 6000 years ago, when the devil sowed the first doubts about God's word in their minds, and thus paved the way for humanity to trust him, the father of lies rather than God.

( close all )

How do we get our faith back? As we acknowledge God as our Father again legitimate and Mr. and feed us like little children born from the milk of His Word, rather than the destructive, toxic input of his opponent and imitator.

Most of you are out here for quite some time on this road, and from the very spiritual infancy, and progress in the faith, and the more you continue faith grows, the more you will realize how free you His truth from the slavery of this world and our own sins.

( freedom / faith means seeing )

We are believing in him discover a currency far more resistant than paper bills, more durable than gold, and more stable than the next, cashless world currency. A currency that guarantees us greater protection and better food than the currencies of this world ever could, because He who has said the pledges and promises that we take advantage of, never breaks His word.

(Believe it or not / grateful )

If we can thank Him for little miracles, like the air we breathe, our bodies that work so wonderfully, and all the things which He has created around us for our good, then we will also still learn to thank Him for greater miracle food and protection in the middle of the greatest tribulation of all time, the Jesus of the greatest of all miracles, the Second Coming, will prepare an end.

Are you ready for the adventure that lies before us?

( Come )


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Can You Get A Drivers License If You Are Autistic

Why not life could have arisen by itself

excerpts from the Documentary, "The secret of life close "

PS 3 / 09: Today is to find the entire movie on Youtube!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Eterna Watches Vintage

much on "Land of the Free"

Play Cabal Ph With Proxy

Aaron Russo on the NWO plans à la Rockefeller

Friday, June 6, 2008

Stomach Ache And Bleeding When Not On Period

War Made Easy (German)

Merilyn Sakova Barefoot

daily monitoring