Johann Georg Schnitzer (born June 1, 1930 in Freiburg im Breisgau) is a dentist, author and describes himself as a researcher. Schnitzer is also the inventor of a grain mill (Schnitzer grain mill). He invented and promoted a special diet that bears his name called Schnitzer diet. His positions on several health issues is contrary to evidence-based medicine. Schnitzer's opponents of fluoridation and amalgam fillings and others was also a long time in dispute with professional bodies.Informative posts (videos) with Dr. Schnitzer :
- enslavement 23/10/2010 by death and disease - survival through health
- 09/13/2009 Health Secrets
- summary of the article "Secrets of Health to" Perfect Health Blog "
Subject : Dioxin scandal still not learned
Anyone shocked by the current dioxin scandal, as himself is concerned because he is still incorporated in animal-derived foods (meat, meat products, fish, poultry, eggs, milk? and milk products), has learned in the last 11 years, nothing. In 2000, the BSE scandal. began in December 2000 I have adopted a position in detail. Most of the statements made therein shall take timely as well as the latest scandal to dioxin:
"BSE, mad cow disease and the consequences,"
Shortly afterwards In February 2001, even foot and mouth disease in pigs and tuberculosis were added in cattle, I wrote the same place?
"must occur even thicker, so that the characters are understood him who has understanding, understand the characters that the people through these apocalyptic events are now given because he had not understood what it had been years of massive heart-vascular death, cancer, degeneration and say the occurrence of so-called diseases of old age at younger and younger people do, to the Alzheimer's brain size (see there: "What have BSE and Alzheimer's disease together") even at 40 years, and up to rapid aging of children. Anyone who has understanding of the return to frugivorous "civilized origin nutrition" of the people we will be in the Genesis of the Bible as clearly described, as is the "Comparative anatomy of teeth" by Dr. Richard Lehne been scientifically demonstrated clearly. "
It had to. Because few have taken to her mind, and forgotten how to use the lot because of the constant stream of all media ("conditioning, brainwashing") have - Or even on the point of her mind is losing all: brain degeneration by dampening their ability to think as a common side effect of millions of prescribed drugs, such as high blood pressure pills and psychotropic drugs, and by the dietary prevalence of cerebral insufficiency, dementia and Alzheimer's.
The worst is already on its way: The loss of the once leading position of Western and Christian-oriented cultures and civilizations. The Post continues today in the Far East.
For special role of glutamic acid in this process Frédéric steel has been made in 1977 in the excited and moved by my book "The Earth has protein for All wrote:
"... The glutamic acid in the body has to fulfill two tasks: 1. It is relevant to the performance of the second brain Man she needs to digest the food contains saturated fats Animal excessive glutamic acid only, but. much saturated fat. vegetable diet contains a lot of glutamic acid and very little saturated fat.
You understand now why the ancient Greeks knew that a vegetarian diet is preferable to work with their brains. The influential philosopher and mathematician in ancient Greece, Epicurus, Diogenes, Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, Thales, were all vegetarians. Even in Europe there are now famous vegetarians, both among the musicians (Wagner) as between the researchers (Leonardo da Vinci, Newton, Leibniz, Humboldt) and the writers (Byron, Tolstoy, Voltaire, Rousseau, Nietzsche). For a complete list of names would be much longer. "
" ... It is also essential to note that prevail in our techno-scientific world, the intelligence. Therefore, one can predict that the future will belong to the nations, low-fat whose population from a predominantly vegetarian, that is, but glutaminsäurereichen food lives.
The sensational rise of the Japanese and Chinese, the Europeans and Americans a good reason to be interested in a vegetarian lifestyle.
This is also a major contribution in the fight against hunger. Because then you can leave the primarily to be used as cattle feed huge amounts of peanuts, coconuts, etc. where they are needed. ... Both for the management of the world food problem as to preserve the spiritual force of the civilized world, it is necessary to solve the protein problem with the help of the grain. "
The work of Frédéric steel" The earth has protein for All "which was as out of print as Prof. Werner Kollath "cereals and man, a union," I have re-opened - which was a gigantic task, since both were sold out not only, but also their print materials had been destroyed. I had this difficulty of existing printed copies in every detail to create entirely new. As Frédéric steel is still alive (born in 1926, now 85, healthy and mentally and physically fit), he could finish his work on this to date.
The complete work was published in 2010: HEALTH WORLD CEREAL FOOD:
The results of this basic research, why cereals and intelligent use of nutrition and health of humans and humanity are essential. New Release 2010, Edited by Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer, with Prof. Dr. Werner Kollath "cereals and man, a community," said Prof. Dr. Herbert Warning Kollath, scientific work "and" The Life Werner Kollath, and Frédéric steel "Confirming the protein supply by intelligent combination of plant foods.
This knowledge is concealed to the public today by the mainstream media to the economic and power interests of the production of denatured and some other species of food and the "treatment" of it disease and degeneration resulting economic groups living to protect. On the contrary, in numerous cooking shows the preparation of disease-causing food is vorzelebriert civilization.
Who wants to sell no more stupid, but also who have a say on the human existential important area of world food a word and wants to push the right developments, should read the book and the knowledge imparted in his view of world events and integrate constructive development:
A practical application of these findings for the benefit of their own Health is taught in the following book: SCHNITZER-intensive cost, SCHNITZER-NORMAL COST
new, revised edition 2011:
natural, animal (frugivores) food: even in the high civilization, it is most important foundation of natural health. It is based on the natural food forms that have been backed up since time immemorial, long before the development of tools and weapons, the use of fire and the development of agriculture and horticulture, a healthy development and reproduction of human beings. It is using the man from the original wild plant food crops developed in formulations that the have enabled the development and flowering of early civilizations in healthy people and healthy offspring. She is the demands of the people adapted to the present.
This diet allows today a healthy life and healthy offspring, and thus allows the overcoming of other diseases and degeneration. Because the human metabolism is genetically programmed still on its original frugivorous origin nutrition. Therefore, like the alleged "adaptation" failed to denatured and alien civilization food. This has lead to metabolic disturbances and thus to the widespread chronic diseases of civilization.
As soon as the metabolism again, "the right Substances to change "shall, on which it is genetically programmed to normalize the metabolic processes, and most of the supposedly" from heal incurable "diseases of civilization and suffering quickly, too, body weight normalizes. Remove the overweight, underweight take Delicious preparations healthy. foods are described in detail in this book with examples in the form of a 14-day plan. Also, calorie, joule and bread units are specified. meals of this diet saturate sustainable lend vital energy and rejuvenate the body.
Who from the chronic dependence free of symptomatic treatments and drugs, the autonomy of to regain his own health, and who want to stay healthy in the most natural way, should read this book and apply the practical principles learned to their own advantage:
The West, Europeans, Germans in Europe do not have much, but above all not to lose much time, but everything to gain with a fundamental reflection on the essential and regeneration from scratch. If it is not on the whole is successful - which is possible since many incompetent, lobby-driven and fear of self-interest controlled charge - so there can not in detail of small groups, families and individuals succeed, which can become germ cells of a widening renewal.
The necessary knowledge is certainly available in German. We've been using it before it's too late. Sincerely, Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
PS Please forward this information e-mail only fully to all your contacts on (shortening and omission of parts is not allowed). Take this knowledge to the younger generation known. You will have particular need. The transaction on Internet sites or partial or total Copy of my copyrighted web pages is prohibited. Links to my web pages with a short remark on the subject can be set. Previous News and Record in Dr. Schnitzer's mailing list, see:
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