27th January
Today we have for the first time spring air, after late yesterday afternoon wind came up and dropped a few drops of rain, the mild air of spring smelling. The day length has increased already by 18 minutes, finally sees our original travel plans before, our winter quarters Tehran on 1 to leave in February. If all goes well ( visa Turkmenistan ), could also get there Sun Iran has become our daily life and thoughts go out long ago to Central Asia, are up Samarkand deserts to cross and then slowly start climbing on the roof of the world . Since Macedonia latest we are always confronted with bare, harvested landscapes that we are looking forward even more to the first green and flowering, but it is not ready. Probably we will stay on our path always on the fringes of the early spring that will walk up to us, yes. www.wetter.de predicts this week west wind, and we hope that this will remain so. Our trip south to Esfahan and back north to Tehran is finally over and it goes strictly to the east. In Termez way we will pass on the second Bundeswehr location of our trip - after Prizren.
We are on the way to the Center of Photography, unfortunately it is closed and we can see no indication of when it is open, it would be just the current issue of particular interest: of Ashura in Istanbul. We continued walking, now go naturally by the madness of traffic, knowing that pedestrians are usually involved in a traffic jam in the threading simple and look for the Armenian Club, a cafe-restaurant, must sit in the women without a headscarf. It is a fine place, but open in the evening. We will come back.
Jan 26
Gunda has lost her voice this morning, probably an effect of the smog here in Tehran. So goes Wolfgang goes alone, before the hotel breakfast, it would be from 7 clock. The road is known: walking through the still deserted streets (the dealers are not here yet, come with their mopeds probably all from outside), U-Bahn line 2, then with the 1 station in the other direction, there up in the right direction change, so grab a seat on the train, Take the bus , walk to the Kyrgyz Embassy, (arrive 8:30), point to ring 9:00 (please wait, the consul is not there yet), will ring again at 9:15 (you must wait he continued consul), walk to the Uzbek Embassy (arrive 9:30), before the entry door on a waiting list (about Platz14 or 15) after doing nothing for half an hour, walk to the Kirgiesen (come in, sit down and wait), but I am the only visitor and even after after 15 minutes nothing happens, ask I know if I should come back in an hour. But given Please wait, sounds a photocopier and a stapler, and after 5 minutes I get both passports with the Kyrgyz visa!. Walk to the Uzbeks, from the waiting list are the first 5 gestural Richner, ie about 7 to me. Over the intercom I sign rotzdem. Sorry, I'm still waiting to pick up our visas. - Answer: Please come in, Sir! - Visas shall be before my eyes in good faith, collected the Exressgebühr and you wish me a trip belts. 30 min. Walk to the Turkmen Embassy (arrival 12:04), a sign says: open from 9 - 11 It is still open, one wants to see the Uzbek visas. I just need a copy of passports and visas - that is 15 minutes walk to the Copy Shop - back 15 min. - It is equal to 13 clock and, amazingly, still someone there at the Turkmen. I could come back after four or five days - to rush charges, of course. By the way, would be a transit visa is always 5 days, no matter which vehicle. I have left to call "bicyclet", 30 m. Walk to subway, 30 min. in the subway, at 14:02 I'm almost on time at the meeting point stop "Bazar" on.
There we meet our cycling family, showing us the bazaar. We have a total of three hours on the road,
us lose again, find ourselves with a lot of questions back in his father's business. There is first a cup of tea and delicious sweets
before we find with further questions the nuts bazaar.
Noem a little ashamed that we nuts
photograph and ask whether the now very funny look, that we take pictures of the nuts he gets a little red and said yes, but his mother denied that clear. We learn that only know the really old in the whole bazaar. He is gigantic, a daily business, in which everything goes with speed. Running, watching, selling, pushing the goods as well as the moped-driving.
Everything is fast. We are more than surprised that men sell women's underwear! The bazaar is organized in each subject so that everyone always ask for a specific type of bazaar. Middle of it a huge mosque is where we keep it short.
After about three hours we are well worn, our hosts also!
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