The Mitzeichnungspflicht the ePetition of the German Bundestag for a transposition of the EU ban on sale of medicinal plants ended in November 2010 and is currently under parliamentary review. 121 819 people signed the petition.
The ePetition the EU Directive THMPD but can not stop, for this they need a action before the European Court . Such Action aimed at (not The Alliance for Natural Health is supported by any pharmaceutical interests) the Alliance for Natural Health to . The cost of such an action can be estimated from the ANH to £ 90,000.00, £ 51,140.72 have already been collected through the website.
you please inform fully and become active. Give information please go and support the action of ANH before the European Court of Justice.
Informative article on of 22 December 2010 Dr. Gottfried Lange:
Dr. Gottfried Lange about the background and impact of European policy on using traditional herbal medicinal products (Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive, THMPD) talking to Katrine Eichberger.
Source: mensch-und-gesundheit/356-die-wahren-hintergruende-zur-eu-richtlinie-thmpdserves According to official figures this policy of unification, harmonization and quality assurance of herbal products - everything that is for the benefit of the consumer. But what is really behind it? Dr. Lange makes clear in an interview that is what this and many other "well-meaning appears" to change to something else entirely. Since cured with natural medicinal herbs many illnesses and the herbs are not patentable, lose the big pharmaceutical companies a Lot of money, and that is to be fought. People should rather stay sick and fearful, because they are so easy to govern. Dr. Lange also shows how we can solve the problem together.
donations for the successful implementation of the action against the "Traditional Herbal Medical Products Directive (THMPD) and" Guidelines for traditional herbal medicinal products "before the European Court of contact on the website of the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) - da the right is a button to donate to the man:
www.anh-europe.orgTHMPD What is and what impact GUIDELINES, this is well described in German also on the ANH website in the following PDF file: Download the PDF file
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