25th January
Another day in Tehran. Today it is cloudy and the conclusion of the mourning month of Shiites. Many businesses have not only our tire dealer. The sound of the tire changes, washing, inflation, is now mixed with the chants Hossein . At noon we are looking for something edible, and walk the streets, which consist of 80% of closed stores and are almost contemplative. We find a basement restaurant and get a delicious stew for realistic money. We spend the day with an Internet search to our range and we expect in the worst case: that we have only 16 days for the trip to the Turkmen border. That we take our entire rest days at a stretch, we did not think, but we read of other that even four weeks in Tehran on the "Stan-Visa "Wait, some have even let it get in Germany .... That would be the next scenario. But we hope that tomorrow is the consul appeared again, and our visa and also the Turkmen perhaps only for five days. On the other hand, too soon weekend again and we do not know for sure. A little is enough to drive-milking!
We are glad that we have moved and then at least have internet access and also stay in a hotel with a nicer atmosphere and for less money . If we would have guessed the four weeks, then would have to couch-surfing, a home paid off, but we did not anticipate. Fortunately, we find Tehran is not so bad, even when we asked regularly if we do not prefer to go for a few days elsewhere. We enjoy the time we spend with Iranians, many opportunities to Walk the city have to look at the museums, to study the murals, S executing and descriptions to find think and ultimately also to recover. Yet it would be nice, it would go on soon!
way: 100 days ago, we were Subasi !
24th We are again in January
days of waiting at the door. Our visit to Tehran, we can program accordingly begin to emerge. Before we read in the newspaper of the nuclear talks in Istanbul and demonstrations in Berlin . Gunda read detective stories, Wolfgang "specialized" literature: in addition to an article about Central Asia we find in the bookshelves of our hotel " After a globalizing world: development policy in the 21st century , a good reading for the winter break. As a contrast gabs in the German Embassy " Facts about Germany . Time also provide interim reports to the German media ... Gunda published in the Journal of Pastoral .
Today, the Golestan Palace on the program. We have to decide which museums we watch as each one individually for admission must be paid. We choose the Picture Gallery and the Ethnological Museum. The site itself is accessible and very beautiful.
Part of the building, we have already seen illuminated at night.
The street outside the palace is the main entrance to the bazaar and cars and mopeds (in theory) will be closed. It is for Tehran's relations still a relative silence, so to speak (with a salute to Frank, Andrew and Gabriela!). The Art Gallery is unfortunately from lighting her in a bad condition, some images are the spotlight burned out so that they are in the dark, while others placed so that the frame a lot of shadow on the image raises. Nevertheless, a picture of them open in the 19th Century, both religious and "secular" rulers are shown. On the way to the ethnological museum Gunda class captured by a girl really, before they know it is surrounded and embraced and all young women looking forward to the end without a photo can do with it. Is the (young) women in Iran are always charming. The ethnological museum consists primarily of wax figures, the daily life of past centuries represent as well as exhibits from everyday life. It is newly renovated and therefore the light made her better, but overall, we note, as we have been spoiled by excellent museums. We then move to
station after discovering the south and the streets through which we are wrong on our first day in Tehran again. Now we see first that we were right on the bazaar and have simply not realized. The station is elegant, spacious and very modern. Unfortunately (for Wolfgang), there is only one ticket with an access to the platform, so that we can only look out the window. We go back to the subway and take in the evening and Shanaz Noeem, our cycling family, will show us the bazaar on Wednesday and invited us for Friday.
farther Iran
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