Monday, February 28, 2011
Easy Way To Shrink An Acryllic Cardigan
news from the future: animal advocates . "I met Madeleine at a street party, it was many years a noisy train slid through Cologne celebrated frenetically by the Men .."
Great American Co Chicago Buckle
20th February, Sarak
The barometer falls dramatically and it shows in the storm. We are taken from our hotel manager to the post. The first stop is a small Post Bank branch, but can not do anything with Postcards . Then it's on to large headquarters. There must first phone call be done and after a while it is clear that the stamp now costs IR 5000, in the beginning there were 1000th This corresponds to the price increases in recent weeks. Then we go to the bank to change money, now is month beginning or end, in any case, the bank is full to bursting. The talks fall silent for a moment and we are looking great. A police officer does, our, and it is clear that no money is exchanged. With the last Rial we buy coffee, then we appeal to another policeman. We learn that can only be exchanged at the border money. There would be the bank. So we work our way through the many trucks through the bank, but which we sent out again. We ask you in a second building that we also send out to Hassan. Hassan has his money in the trunk and the money changers of the border. Money exchange is fast and secure and we have our first appearance Turkmen. The rest of the day is spent planning. Sleeping, cooking, wheels back into place and packing.
way: 100 days ago, we were Tanyeli !
19th February
Last night we presented the Clock forward to Turkmen time, now we are 1.5 hours ahead of time. After a coffee in the room and a first round of washing it, there was a second breakfast, and then sometime after pasta with tuna, a walk in this place that lives primarily on border traffic. We are right at the roundabout leading to the border and then the signs are only in Farsi. With some effort, we have found a late shop and buy there, plenty of dusty noodles, tuna, crackers and chocolate for the journey through Turkmenistan. The route through Turkmenistan is a bit like an Ecumenical Church: six days a little sleep and a hectic schedule. It would certainly be worth the route with more time, after all, we drive the first time really in the desert, although it is fashionable for desert weather in a lot of rain. But we, even in deserts or even rain Snow have, we get used to slow us.
The hotel is very nice at the door are all the vices and screw if not the driver on their tractors, they are in the restaurant. This morning we were given directly walnuts. On TV, it is next to a BBC channel which shows movies in English worldwide and the Pentagon Channel for U.S. troops. This is quite unexpected and we are now experiencing a lot of official U.S. opinion against the U.S. military and the Air Force. Again and again, this Air Force Base in Ohio is that we already know both. As George, who died in November, far too early and too young, was in the Air Force, it is a little to think of him when the TV is on. In addition, BBC has so constantly reports on the protests in the Arab world. Iranian television reported the pro-government demonstrations in Tehran. Today we can provide our online blog and send the photos to Peter. Otherwise it is very beautiful, warm and dry to be (although today the sun was shining and it was almost warm) and rest. Much as we move ourselves, so beautiful it is too lazy, too. Our room is wired and as always we are dealing with the maps of Central Asia.
Connect Xbox360 Controller To Pc Hack Bluetooth
Originally planned: 208 Tag - currently 212th Days
What warm for one night! 21 degrees! We wake up and get warmed up by Abdul prepared a wonderful breakfast. Then we take a first walk through the city after we dismantled our tent before it dries. The top tent was frozen still. The mattresses has been blown out and loses in fact, so much air that we come to only 200 days more.
What a town! We walk through the sunshine and admire this city, which is in its beauty as "normal" in the desert. We see the templates for the Islamic edifices we saw in Iran. Enough for a walk today and tomorrow there is a place of interest per day.
Our mattress is really the air gone out and we send an SOS SMS to Sigrid. The best she has immediately ordered and tried to accommodate them yet. What would we do without just friends who visit us somewhere in the world!
The evening goes even further than breakdown Evening: It was the "tent-gloves" are - that is, the thin fleece gloves - disappeared from Wolfgang. We find them again. Then on the stove is missing the gas atomization. We can not find and build a metal wire. This is as straight. Then, the zipper of the tent on one side definitely on his mind. The tent we must turn now and hope that the other side holds another 200 days. Then the zipper of the fly is also no longer with difficulty he can be persuaded. Basically, we need a new tent or suddenly without summer rain ....
lost in the night, the Iso-pad by Wolfgang air and after each Aufpusten very quickly. So we need a new mattress. As Sigrid already but basically no longer able to pack clothes for himself, a mattress would be just too much.
morning we boil water again temporarily. It is very cold, but the only minus 3 degrees tent. When cleaning up, we find the stove top in the folding bowl, frozen in the dregs. This problem has been solved before. The tent turned. If the insulation mat. We hope to reach Bukhara today evening. With much
Effort will remove the frozen tent, get in trouble with the frozen locks and find the word "frozen" no longer particularly attractive. Father Frost has us in its grip. We drive off, there are nevertheless barely below 0 and enjoy the last few miles on the good road. In a shop we buy something to drink (our everything is frozen) and keep going. We have a strong head wind and after 1.5 hours, we are just 15km away. At a roundabout, we find a cafe and sit in there to warm up. There are tea and bread and cucumbers. Then there are freshly baked pastries filled for each table. The restaurant is full and we are the only (with two young women do) that no vodka in the tea.
There is no sugar, but vodka.
The food is very good and is doing well and we decide that this is our lunch. In the afternoon we drive on bad roads to the wind, the better we sneak into the wind and see the villages and houses on the roadside.
A village follows the next, the trunks of the trees are whitewashed, the traditionally built houses, some do not whitewashed. There are many people traveling on foot and on bicycles, while women wear different clothes and headgear, in which the scale the bright colors seem to be. The men all run around in heavy coats that look like bathrobes. Apart from the general mood of vodka-it's a very comfortable ride. When we buy water (ours is frozen thawed and drunk) we get from a family that keeps in her car, given a sandwich. It will be handed over to us with two hands, a very solemn gesture. We are happy because we eat moderately burned down completely.
We fight on through the wind and know thanks to a sign that we are on the right track. The fields are flooded and most of the water moves in the wind. Towards evening our many donkey-carts come with firewood contrary, like yesterday already. Some still have a cow tied behind the car or a sheep between them on the car. We are astonished again and again what it can pull a yes rather small animal like a donkey all. It is dark when we reached the city limits. The cold, the vision of a warm shower and the fatigue drive us on against the storm and we are glad we did it. We ask through and are very fast in the inner city, which is almost illuminated. The chance to see the darkness of the selected Bed and Breakfast, is equal to zero. When we ask a police officer who is an English speaking man to drive a car and part of the way before us ago. Up to a hotel, where a boy with a bike we will forward. We then face another hotel and were there almost entirely gone. It is again an infinite cold. As it becomes clear that the hotel is fully booked in the middle of our stay and we would have to change, we gather to us and ask for the previously selected in the lonely planet Bed and Breakfast. It is very close and as we stand at the door, we are grateful for the decision. It costs half, is very beautiful in an old house and has room for the wheels to us for us. We get a tea and can make the official registration there. Around the corner is a shop where we buy an excellent smoked fish, sausage and beer and then the Bread can enjoy after a hot shower. We are both still so thoroughly frozen that the fingers and toes are numb and remains the chills. In the guest book we read what we have already read many blogs: most cyclists come ends as straight through Turkmenistan and then are sick or become sick there. It is a pity, because especially the desert is beautiful, more time would pay real dividends.
What we seen so far of Bukhara on Serafschan have, looks great and we look forward to the city. The Bed & Breakfast, we take the Japanese, we have already met at the Turkmen-Uzbek border, and they were visibly delighted with our Japanese flag!
26th February Repetek after Alat, 67.61km, total 9375.8 km
The vodka party goes further up half the night, until the landlady throws out the clock against two truck drivers. It is the gravel truck driver, we had been all day around the ears. However, we are glad that we are not out there. It has not been found last night that the "Machina", now at eight will go to Turkmenbashi, the landlord is the 200m with us will go to the museum. We can not really do and think for a moment, what do we do now. Drive the entire route would not work, so we can get the morning.
After slowly around 6:30 clock in the paintings of life comes, we make coffee and enjoy the wonderful bread from the evening. The gravel truck slowly break up and the landlord is still asleep. The hostess asked us whether we want a cup of tea, but since we have no money, there is none. Other countries are just but other cultures. The door opened and four men in suits enter. Wolfgang comes to talk with them. You understand that we need a truck and found I won, but first we could drink vodka with them. We do not see what is accepted reluctantly. Outside is another icy morning dawned and the sun It is just cold. But our suit-men see a truck and hold him by waving and whistling, and move him to drive into the yard. It turns out that he drives to the border, taking us for $ 10. So we carry out at a gallop all the bags and the wheels and believe our eyes when the door is opened: the truck is full to the top with vodka bottles! On top comes the baggage, and the wheels and four of us in the driving cabin. There is a Russian Zil-truck that is also suffers from the cold.
In between, the brake lines are thawed by fire.
But the machine runs, and we have fun with the two men and talk in Russian, German and English.
attracts us by the desert, and again we see camels. At some point it becomes clear that they go to another border crossing in the south. First, slight bewilderment, it is clear that we have wheels. So we are left out in Turkmenbashi.
On the way to the city, the young man always had to dive down to go the police stops us and it does not pay a fine.
there directly next to bike and keeps waiting in the cold, until we are done, to show us the path.
We find the way through many instructions and reach the police station before crossing the river . With the passport control, we first get candy and given two pieces of bread and then a whole loaf of homemade bread. This is wonderful because we had no more and not have any money ... So we can enjoy a delicious lunch in the sun for nearly ten degrees before we head to the border. After leaving the fertile valley behind us, we are again flowing into the desert , even if through these channels.
we come without problems through all border posts, we have in Uzbekistan against a very intrusive Restaurant-owner ward for the night and find a place in the field.
25th February Uch-Adzhl after Repetek, 72.72 km, 9308.2 TOTALODO
wake up when we are there almost minus 5 degrees in the tent, and outside there are -15. It is incredibly cold and everything is frozen and freeze within a few minutes. We still manage to break up after eight short not to enjoy the sunrise without
and the sand dunes to admire the glitter in the sun. It is minus 12 when we leave. We come to the village and want to shop there yet, since then nothing more comes first. The shop is very fundamental in its range, but has
drinking water and hot water
and a can of English olives. Gunda need some time to be able to open the thermos back, makes
while Wolfgang photos.
After we bought drink water after ours is frozen into a block of ice, we move on. It's getting hot, which bededeutet so much that it has only minus 5 degrees. At some point, it is above 0 degrees. Just behind the village, we are surprised by a further herd of camels,
running just like that through the desert. We noticed that camels probably not are so popular because they are shooed away from the first three men and then thrown from a shepherdess and her son with stones and chased away. You are probably a competition. So they trot a few hundred yards along beside us and see us again and again with interest.
The wind is stronger again and the road bad, and we are working from dune to dune. The desert is desert, and again we can see these large birds of prey. Soon after lunch, we must recognize that we are the way to the border can hardly provide. Even if we give conditional moderate forces and the ultimate would be to a section of to keep 12 km / h, of the knees would not hold. And the terms are not willing to just influence. In addition, there is still so very cold. Our goal is to come to the desert station. We drive and drive and they will not come. For this is a cafe where we stop and eat something first. It is delicious food and very different from the Turkish, Iraqi and Persian food. We are trying to stop a truck, but have no success. We are invited to spend the night and it is a surreal evening. We are simply not accustomed to being drunk or drunken people more. Somehow it will probably be a car tomorrow, which takes us. We still do not quite know how we to evaluate testimony of a drunken host, and must go go go in case of doubt.
24th February Mollanepes to Uch-Adzhl, 96.77 km, 9235.5 TOTALODO
The night is without rain and not so cold. Nevertheless, in the morning everything is frozen. We pack and are grateful for the extra gloves that we bought for the morning frost still in Esfahan. The road is still good, and we are still fascinated by each camel herd and stop for photos. The road will soon be worse again, and we are hopping along. After we drive all over populated and landscaped area, hear this abruptly and we are in the middle of the desert.
Our first encounter with an abandoned puppy running after us and was visibly pleased. We can not help him. Then we see a desert fox and again camels and birds of prey. We go on and on towards the end of the cloud under which we continue now for almost three days. At a gas station we get more rinse water and continue for miles through the desert. It's like a picture book.
It will be long before sunset already cold, after the highest temperature before were only 3 degrees plus.
In the sun and in the lee of it are almost equal 15th We not come as far as we wanted, but the increasing strength of the wind makes it impossible for us. We found a place behind a sand dune for the night.
It's already so cold that freezes everything immediately.
Gunda it creates just brush his teeth, but the closure of the water bag frozen directly again. It is even too cold to be creative. Fortunately, we can cook in the tent. It is clear and the sky beautiful.
23rd February Hauz-Han to Molanepes, 85.3 km, 9138.7 TOTALODO
Panne: Platter of Wolfgang's car
begins the evening, to rain, it's a freezing rain. When any at night it is quiet, we think it has stopped (we are in the desert) until we see the next morning out of the tent and snow smiling at us. We need some time to freizukriegen wheels, to de-ice locks to dismantle the tent and get the chain free of ice. As we move into the street, we see that the wheel on the car is flat. We found out that the vulcanization does not stick at Minustemperturen. However, the repair holds the second try. After a short time the water begins to freeze in the bottle. When we arrive at a café over, we stop there. Inside is not a furnace and it rains inside, but it's over 0 degrees. The coffee, including biscuits, we get paid. We entfdecken Efes and buy just decided two doses. The first Efes for three months!
We hop on and blast on the road that remains underground but still always has sections that are reminiscent of asphalt. For a time we go to the new road until the bad is back. Due to the bad road we have to concentrate on the track, do not get as much of the landscape, but that they are irrigated and thus fertile. As we arrive in Maryland, we are looking for a shop there and find some kind of open-air late shop with a very enterprising lady. There we buy one and find out the way out of town. Mary is quite impressive, full of new representative buildings, including a huge mosque with the image of the President praying in front. In addition, houses that in the first row renovated and new. The people are polite and reserved, it is school hours and there is no problem to drive through the city. On the way out of the city are a teenager accompanied to the next junction. We are impressed with how friendly and polite, the young people and children, although the horn already strained. The relationship between speed and quality of roads is to be called at most surreal.
Desktop Mary, there is the long-awaited new road for 25km and we enjoy it very much and found behind a hill a place for the night, which will be very cold. Even setting up the water freezes.
22nd February Ata up to 10km after Hauz-Han, 95.43 km, 9053.4 TOTALODO
In the night it starts to rain and the morning is totally black, even though our sun barometer stubbornly asserted. We go for a while against the wind until we come to the channel, which derives the water that was supposed to reach the Aral Sea. We meet a lot of herds, only a flock of sheep, then cows
and after a lot of sheep and cows even a herd of camels!
All have lambs, calves and small camels there. After a very cheerful shopping at the first store we see (especially clear, because there is a new currency, but is expected in the old one), we turn on the small street. Past countless fields, of which some are so green that we ask ourselves if this is normal good. But we simply are not used to the color green. During the lunch break, we spend thanks to the hotel manager of Sarak with the homemade bread his wife and classical can of tuna, a police officer joined us and told us that that was all his territory and here wheat and cotton are grown.
We drive on and coming soon to the actual transit route, which is always another European route. (The Soviet Union had just their capital in Europe!) After days to hop we look forward to a good road and so we started the new road, which is not yet finished, all to ourselves. It will end soon on a mound and the drive up is not worth more correct, because it consists of gravel. So we are on the old road, which is mostly underground in their state.
we Hopp Elten before, we crash now from pothole pothole and can not any Time to stop, because then we would not go any more. Driving is very stressful especially towards the afternoon, motorists are in their Hup behavior really exhausting. We call this the "Croatian phenomenon and suggests that it is rather the vodka is for us alone. In Iran, we rather suspected the drug problem behind it. We would have like to found a beer but so far without success, a car that stops with plenty of drunken men pretty much beer in the car. But they annoy and offer us any. So we'll go one on Iran.
We are driven to a whole new bridge across the straight is a herd of cows, and a stubborn donkey does not like his youthful owners. There are two worlds that are time and again side by side. We go completely without signs, but have enough Turkmens to us - or point the way young people belgeiten us with the bike - in Russian. A farmer invites us to stay with him, only too soon. After a water reservoir begins the desert again, although it is seen as a hint of green. We found a place behind a hill for the night.
21st February Serak to Ata, 55.98 km, 8957.9 TOTALODO
After breakfast we make our way to the nearby border and are in many directed to the right place. It is the Passenger Terminal, where we parked our bikes, drop off our passports and wait. And wait. And wait. It turns out that there is always an error message in the computer in our data. Soon, two police officers employed (now in the officer rank) and the manager. At some point we will be viewed exactly Gunda takes off her glasses, and then the exit stamp is finally there. Meanwhile, it is 10:00 Iranian time. We can easily through the no man's land to the Turkmen border drive to the wheels. There, the mood is very cheerful. The soldiers infinitely young, but really friendly. First it goes to the doctor who looks only at the pass. Then to the registry, according to the $ 13 a person to be filled to complete a customs form. It is only in Russian, and again we have fun with the men in uniform made out. Thereafter, the entire luggage to be scanned, but rather pro forma, because no one looks at the screen (good for us as we would have otherwise explained the ax?). Then we are ready and can go to another control. We are surprised that the landscape really looks different. After a stop at a truck at lunch to do next. There is the way we have explained well on the asphalt. We soon realize how spoiled we are by Iran and its excellent roads - some with good bicycle lanes! - Are.
The asphalt track is as recognizable as asphalt. In between, he's broken. In between, the road is something that is composed of large and small stones, which more or less close together and are identified to be held together every once in a gray mass and at the edge of gravel and in the middle by the idea of a middle strip as a road . So we hop away. The weather has become totally warm in the sun, there are well over 30 degrees, or 20th It is nice to race in the warmth even when the sky looks like rain that comes in the evening actually. We find a place in the green desert between two villages that look still here such as tent cities, although they are built of stone.