9th February 6 km behind Damqan to Shahrud, 60.33 km, 8107 TOTALODO
After we are so close to Shahrud, we can sleep in this morning, which means in practice, the alarm clock rings at 6.00, Wolfgang makes coffee at 6:30 and Gunda must for hot coffee get up at 7.15. In the night, with one blow, the storm died down, it's cold. The tent is just frozen the water we have left in the folding bowl. In the tent, it is about 1 degree. By the wind, the night seemed colder. But the sun warms the early morning, so we can dry everything and at 9.30 our desert place to leave. All clouds are swept away and the sky is like blue, the air is clear throughout.
shine, the snow-capped mountains in the sun.
We drive on and look for a shop with hot water. We pass beautiful villages
at their edges many plantations - we assume - have pistachios.
The farmers are busy clearing away old branches and the water is led into the gardens and the fields.
Thanks to the continuous hard shoulder, we enjoy the ride and are progressing well. When we finally find a mosque,
the back with brand new shops and restaurant and is even built bungalow resorts for the night, we make our picnic lunch there. before we are provided to us we are surrounded by families, unpack their picnic baskets.
We're about to pack up again when a bus carrying pilgrims on the road comes to Mashhad. A group of women adopted us directly
and we get paid for lunch, a gentleman gives us after churning Fanta. So we take a second lunch with us and still have the same rice for the evening.
The group of women is infinitely kind and speaks good English so that they can translate for everyone else. It then goes uphill to Shahrud, a friendly town. Remember
On the way into the city we all the difference to the big cities, there is another "cool" as it is shown not as the wonder without any fear of us cyclists. Here already. It's a little exhausting, but also more friendly. A family would like to invite us to his home which we oppose, but because we are so tired. With the help of a medical student, we find the hotel and are excited because it is surrounded by a pine forest. Now there is a Bitburger. ... Lemon non alcoholic.
8th February to 6 km behind Damqan, 109.03 km, 8047 km total
The deal with the night watchman is that we at 6.00 again gone. Since yesterday we went to bed at 8.00 after a hot shower (!!!) already, despite the TV next to the blinds next door, we recovered up at 4.00. It is a foretaste of the summer: we have built our inner tent to sleep in the warmth of the room with only a sleeping bag. The gas cooking stove without turning, even it it is warm enough. As we finally at 6.15
leave the premises already the dawn is visible. We drive through Traumlanschaft, the mountains are covered in snow, it is cold, but only a little under 0 The road is so well done that we can look to the left and right. Although we assume twice the pass too early
when we reached him rush, we almost 90km downhill, first through the snowy wilderness, the snow can be more and more after the sun comes out again. The wind is cold, the sun is warm but already so that we can latch on to lunch and afternoon sitting in the sun - like many others. This landscape here is fascinating to most of the landscapes we've seen. The mountains are so close that they can be seen in the subtleties
the desert is sometimes managed times just desert. There are also inhabited Lehmorte and mosques.
We look us a place to sleep and have chosen a house that we see something more in the field. There are many clouds in the sky and the ground tells us that it has rained.
As we approach the house, we see that a river separates us. Now we are beginning to study the ground water for possible directions. A bit of this looks like the Wadden Sea. Finally, we choose a place that looks so far as the highest. But still the storms only.
7th February before Lasjerd up behind Semnan, 69.33 km, 7938 km total
morning sun warms the already very early. She is so strong that our tent or defrosted frozen and dried. We go into this beautiful morning and after 5km find a small village with shops
and a huge laundry with warm water. This is so tempting that our break is much longer. We pack a good food because even if there are two cities that is the area in which it is very sparse.
are constantly fields are already green. Once we had the last two days a whole new impression of Iran from the perspective of cycling, it is once again the horns, Hello Mister, where are you from, and almost from the get-wheel to get a response. At the same time but luckily so little traffic that it is not quite as annoying. It's much uphill and some are so bad that the road takes the day. In the evening it goes up into the mountain, the barometer has fallen and snow are everywhere remains to be seen. We also come at a military training area over so that we realize we need a place to sleep, which is protected. There is only one cement factory, so we drove down the gravel road. This is Gunda undoing, as the new tires have absolutely no profile, and she lies down promptly. Luckily nothing happened and only the knee will be blue.
The worker shows us a room for a tea where we can build our tent, but must with his boss . Clarify He is not pleased by the idea and wants to ban it. The following are several phone calls and finally can we stay when we are gone by 6 clock. Although this is early, but to create. So we have a hot shower, a warm room.
6th February 5km before Garmsur until Lasjerd, 82.83 km. 7869 TOTALODO
the tent is 2.2 degrees and a little seems to have been the rising sun through the tent slot. With her it's -2 degrees outside.
We drive off and kick so that we are warm. In the night we have not re-frozen. When we make the first tea break, we are addressed in English. We had previously already shopped for lunch in the shops and still have to buy drinking water. He bought us some tea and when he sees that Gunda has paid all of the entire purchase to pay for us and gives her the money back. We have additionally given chocolate and go further strengthened. The road is beautiful, accessible through the desert.
until after lunch, which we take in a wind-sheltered hollow, it is exhausting. It goes up and the promised West wind fails to materialize. In addition, the infrastructure can clearly need to be the last chance we have missed the day to replenish water. Thus, a carelessness, we can not afford. So we are now sitting on almost 1200 in the desert and have just so much water that we can a Chinese instant soup today and make a cup of coffee tomorrow.
of hand washing, we can now only dream of.
5th February 5 km from Tehran to Garmsur, 101.4 km, 7786 TOTALODO
Today is the day of departure. As we will be packed with wheel in front of our hotel and hotel-man says only: so are you going really. Yes, we drive. And initially awake for miles against the one-way bus lanes on the theoretical. As we stand at the first traffic light in the sunshine on a clear morning for Tehran, to see the mountains in the background, and about the traffic lights 50 mopeds waiting side by side on green (there are actually only three tracks), as many try it through the cars pass over the already red light to come and three traffic policemen still manage with great composure to stop a current and pre chase off the other back to be from the street, to the many shops, people everywhere, we can understand that their city like Tehran, and dislike the same time. We will smile and sent on to the one-way street when it is clear that our road turns from stop it. We get on well beyond Tehran and it takes at least 40 km to the settlement is less. We just decide that we our picnic in the Sun as we take to be fetched from the nearby emergency station in the house. There we can eat at the kitchen table, get tea and fruit gift. We say goodbye and go further. The desert is always real and mountains on the horizon are everywhere to be seen. When coming to a hotel 80 km we drive yet. It is worthwhile, because the road passes through a stunning gorge with bizarre desert mountains on both sides of the past still shine in the sun.
the gorge has come so fast, as fast as they can also come to an end and suddenly we are back in the desert.
distance as far as the eye.
We find a hill beside the road and decide that this is a good visual barrier.
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