" The mistake is repeated constantly, in fact, is why you have to repeat True tirelessly in words .." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe"Tell it to me do not you tell me will the food spoil yet", is a the usual responses when trying to get almost anyone, as the food was prepared, which is now on his plate. Even people who know that most of the traditional family farms was taken over farms and fields of business enterprises with factory farms keep hold of the vague belief that the conditions can be so bad. Otherwise, government and animal protection organizations have done something about it - far from it!

source : HAZ, 25/02/2011
fattening boom thanks to the Bauprivilegs, dubious interpretation of the law levers to control the municipalities of: "Politics is lagging behind reality"
See also: Wietze = booming factory farms in Lower Saxony
- is local politics by is the legislation of the country regulated
- national policy by the federal legislation regulates
- federal policy Duch EU legislation regulates
- The EU policy dictated by the corporations

Source: HAZ, 25/02/2011
final words from Severn Cullis-Suzuki's (12 years old) speech at the UN Earth Summit "- 1992
" And why do all the things in this world from which you tell us not to do it?
Do not forget to whom these conferences held to be - we are your own children. You decide in what kind of world we grow up. Parents should be able to comfort their children by saying "everything will be all right," "we do the best we can" and "it's not the end of the world".
But I think that you can not tell us. Are we even still on their priority list? My father always says, "You are what you do, not what you say."
Well, what can you do, I cry at night. Your adult tells you to love us. I urge you to follow let your mouth is. "
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